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  1. L

    Caffeinated Content 50% off coupon code (WordPress Yahoo Answers & Youtube scraper)

    Caffeinated Content 50% off coupon code (WordPress Yahoo Answers & Youtube scraper) Here's a bargain for ya if you want to scrape Youtube or Yahoo Answers to quickly build big sites. Caffeinated Content is half price for the first 100 buyers on friday - use promo code EBONYFRIDAY ;) It's a...
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    WP: exec-php & scheduled posts... Anyone came across this problem?

    I'm gonna post on the forum for the exec-php plugin, but thought I'd throw it out here first in case anyone has came across something similar... Basically when WP posts a scheduled post (created from an imported XML file) it strips part of the php code. If the post is edited in any way after...
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    Rick won!!

    Rick Astley Wins Best Act Ever! | MTV UK Rickrolling: Rick Astley named Best Act Ever at the MTV Europe Music Awards - Telegraph If only they knew... Should we let em know? Good publicity for WF, or would they brand us a bunch of "hackers"? Nice one, Shady!
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    No Matter Who You Vote For...

    <object width="425" height="344"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object> Oh great, great slumbering nation Awake! Set yourself free Oh! Smell the...
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    Game over for McCain?

    Looks like Obama's got Ohio, the BBC (who are being cautious) have it at 200-124. McCain can't come back from this... can he?
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    Goodnight America, and good luck.

    Bedtime here, good luck for tomorrow. :jester: or :xmas-smiley-016:? Which tit will it be? I know your system, like ours, is a bit fucked up but if any of you fuckers don't bother to vote, then don't complain about the next inevitable shitstorm caused by the people you couldn't be fucked to...
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    For sale: 2 aged credit related domains

    Got too much on at the mo to develop these. Both 5 years old and listed. Open to offers
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    "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

    "This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion." BBC NEWS | England | London | 'No God' slogans for city's buses Funny how the Christian Voice guy sees it as quasi-religious and a danger, yet other Christian groups...
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    Free domain names

    Just got another code from UK2, £10 off which gives you a free .com etc for a year, or .uk for 2 years. I've got a fair few domains with them and had no problems. Code: D071536713 Blatant aff link:
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    Writers wanted...

    I'm looking to get some original articles written, focussing on politics and economics. Regular work for the right person/team, fast turnaround is a priority. I'm looking for both factual, impartial content and editorial, opinionated pieces. You don't have to be a native English speaker, but...
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    video site banned?

    I've got a video site that seems to have been de-indexed and am trying to figure out why... Most of the vids are BBC ones posted on Youtube, but no copyright complaints or anything there I can see (embedding hasn't been blocked, no ads added). Adsense is still on the site... No BH stuff, in...
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    So true...

    YouTube - Jarvis Cocker - "Running the World" (why won't it fuckin embed??!)
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    Any mod_rewrite demons in da house?

    This is really doing my head in! It was fucking working fine and now it's not... argh!! It's a lyrics site and I need to do 2 things: 301 to and also rewrite the other urls to...
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    AVG has gone shit! Looking for an alternative anti-virus.

    What are people using for virus protection on windows? I've been using AVG forever, but it's been getting a lot worse with false positives (mostly cracks & keygens) so I'm thinking of changing. Any recommendations?
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    Cheap dedi server for a month - sale/sub-let

    I've just upgraded my server and due to my crap timing I'm stuck with my old one as well until the 23rd June. I don't need both of them, so if anyone wants a very cheap basic dedi for a month let me know. Spec: Sempron 2600 2Gb RAM 2 x 80Gb 1500Gb (I think!) CPanel/WHM @ LayeredTech...
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    The root cause of 9/11 - why the west is hated.

    Leaving aside other theories and accepting the official line that America was attacked by extremist Muslims who hate the west, this gives a great insight into the primary cause of that hatred - The Israel/Palestine situation. If you care about this shit (even if it's just about where your taxes...
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    Looking for a crap US web proxy...

    Anyone know of a US based web proxy that's shit for anonymity?? I just want to test the geo-targeting on some sites by showing as having a US IP and allowing ads, javascript, cookies, etc. Seems every web based proxy I try blocks the ads. Anyone know of anything before I start looking at doing...
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    Political thread on some other forum...

    Blame the old guy that hit my car, fucking my back and giving me the creative insight of sleep deprivation.... Can just imagine a political debate at one of these places: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any...
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    Adsense & subdomains

    I've just had an Adsense violation thing, not sure exactly what the prob is, but guessing it may be as the ads are between the title and content on blog posts. They said they have disabled serving ads to the site - ok, fine. On checking though, not only have they blocked that site (on a...
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    A new approach to copyright infringement?

    Just got this from YouTube: Surprised that it's only US, not too happy about the ads, but still better than being forced to remove it I guess. How long before Google start doing the same with Adsense?