Search results

  1. J

    Want to move out, need suggestions

    Alright, its time for me to move out. I make a minimum of $1200 per month, yet I have made as much as $1500 in a month. I work as a waiter, so tips fluctuate and therefore the amount that I make fluctuates. This isn't counting online income. Anyways, I want to move into an apartment somewhere...
  2. J

    First! New updates eh?

    I spot a namepros style remake, or maybe i'm just fucking stupid. What do you guys think? Sidebar is kinda gay but I think I'll get use to it.
  3. J

    How to index 2000 sites?

    So I managed to automate the creation of a bunch of sites (mostly with the help of a friend here) however I forgot to think about how to index them. I have them queued up in SQUIRT, but that could take awhile. Should I just link to all of them on a page on one of my sites that is indexed? These...
  4. J

    What kind of server do you run?

    Own your own box? What is it, what os, etc... And if you feel like it tell us what kinda shit is on there (splogs, quality sites, LPs, how many, etc). I'm bored, so I'll start: Setting up an Athlon XP 2400 with 1 gig of ram to replace my shared hosting accounts. Free hosting is the goal, but...
  5. J

    Adwords Issues

    My statistics in Adwords aren't working. My QS is 'Great' for most if not all of my keywords, and it says my ads are displaying. I go and search for my keyword, and sure enough my ad is there. However 12 hour later I'm getting 0 impressions and 0 clicks. I'm pretty sure I should have gotten at...
  6. J

    A domain I need as invalid whois, can I report then snatch it?

    So I found a domain that I really need (yes need, not want) and it has obviously incorrect whois data. Can I report it (and how?), then take it from the guy? Yes its shady and an asshole move, but I'm willing to do it just for this one domain. What options do I have? Oh yea, it has a shitty...
  7. J

    Networking With Other People - This one was weird

    So I was at a bookstore looking at books about marketing. This college student came up to me and asked if I could make any recommendations. I said no, and asked why he needed a book about marketing. He said he was a marketing major, blah blah blah. He asked me why I was there, I told him about...
  8. J

    Wordpress Code Issues

    I'm having some retarded ass issue with some code. I'm not a coder at all, I copy and paste everything I need off the web and 99% of the time I can get it to work. But for the life of me I can't understand why this isn't working: <?php if ( is_page('Shot Glasses') ) { ?> <?php...
  9. J

    Good VPS Host?

    I'm looking for a decent VPS host. I don't need top quality, and don't want to pay for it. However I don't want to waste my time either. Just a good mid range VPS host. Any recommendations?
  10. J

    [WTB] Niche Domains You Don't Need Anymore

    Looking to buy some niche domains that you don't use/need. They need to be registered at Namecheap. Ideally I'd like to pay $1 a piece, however I'll pay up to $3 a pop. TLD doesn't matter, and length of domain doesn't matter (just be reasonable). I know some of you guys have some domains you...
  11. J

    Forum is slow today

    Is this bitch slow for anybody else today? Takes forever to load a page.
  12. J

    Credit Card Question

    I know you guys love being jackasses, however I'd like some serious advice for just a second. I'm young, and I want to start building credit. Sounds like a formula for destruction but I'm good at managing my money (I fucking run my own 'small business' on the intraweb so I have to be at least...
  13. J

    Backlinks for ranking question

    All keywords and URLs are hypothetical. So with that said, here we go: I have this site I'm getting ready to start building backlinks. I'm not going to bother trying to rank for the keyword chairs, as that would be impossible for my skill level. I have several 'longtail' keywords...
  14. J

    Sharing info with my AM

    How much information do you share with your AM? Do you go as far as telling them some of your keywords (for whatever reason) or do you not even tell them the URL of your site? Just wondering, because I want to ask my AM some questions but don't want to share to much information. Its with Copeac...
  15. J

    Automate that blog, starting at $60/month for custom content is having its grand opening! We offer a service that will update your blog daily (depending on the package). We have several packages that will suite your needs: Simple Package 200 Word article 3 Times per week $60/month Regular Package 250 Word article 5 Times per week...
  16. J

    Hiring Content Writers is hiring. Earn extra income every month by writing articles. Our service consists of updating blogs on a regular basis for a fixed monthly price. We offer prebuilt and custom solutions for our clients. The amount you make depends on each package and how many words per month...
  17. J

    Need an ecommerce solution that also has project management

    I'm looking for a system that will allow a client to purchase a product (more like a project) and his contact details and project details will be entered into a system and I can then manage it like I would in something such as Basecamp by assigning it to employees and what not. Anything out...
  18. J

    Gaming computer, monitor, and 4 games

    For sale is a custom built gaming computer, 17" HP flat panel monitor, and 4 games: Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Battlefield 2 and Company of Heros. The computer specs are as follows: Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 ASUS P5N32-E SLI 680i PNY XLR8 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual...
  19. J - Text links and 125x125 spaces available

    James here from In an effort to raise money for contest prizes, sever fees, and other miscellaneous expenses, I’m looking to sell some ad space. PV is a forum that is tailored to experienced photoshop users. We currently have 87 users, 161 discussions, and 1574 posts...
  20. J

    What the hell Google...

    So Google decides that I should be paying $5 per click on some long tail keywords for my blog. The affiliate links on the blog are sent threw a php redirect. Other than the links being masked by the php redirect, there aren't any other ads. Not every post has these links either. What could I be...