Search results

  1. R

    Best Bulk Domain Registrar ???

    Hey, I'm looking for domain registrar for bulk domains that has bulk management tools and organizing, any suggestions?? It'd be great if there's special discount for bulk as well.
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    Who has Ringsalot?

    Not trying to post some useless thread here but i couldn't find ringsalot on any network i'm with. Anyone network has it?
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    Looking for iPhone apps developer

    I'm looking for iphone app developer for a simple app. Anyone here have any experiences on hiring developers from elance or odesk? Any tips?
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    Best way to obtain new CC for adwords Banned

    What is the best way to get a new card with new Address, name etc... when your Adwords got banned? It's such a pain to find a new address, new bank just to get a card for new adwords account. Is there any better way that takes less times to do this?
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    Set Fences on your PC Desktop

    Just found this software and i have to say it's really useful. You categorize your desktop into... just freakin check it out:costumed-smiley-015 Fences - By Stardock - Clean up your desktop clutter
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    Another Trademark Questions

    I've been testing out some pps offers and finally found a winner and in the process of scaling it up. The problem is some of the keywords that are converting and could worth the time to scale is involving trademark key term. However, there's no warning on using trademark term on search keywords...
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    Where could i find this offer?

    I've searched every networks i'm working with. Tried affspy and offfervault as well but yet no results. Get a Macbook Air Anyone have any idea? Here ya go.
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    $200 iTunes Gift Card for only $2.60

    Hacked: $200 iTunes Gift Card for Only $2.60 - PC World It'd be great if it's still available.
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    Microsoft Exchange, recommendations?

    I'm using Thunderbird atm and before that, i was using Outlook so i'd say i have got the feeling of how Outlook works etc... The problem is, thunderbird sometimes gets buggy and the tasks, calender i can't sync and read/edit(google's calender doesn't allow to edit tasks) so it kinds of annoying...
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    Facebook Daily Spend?

    Just opened up a new FB ads account after hitting the max daily spent with my old account. I thought daily limit for newly opened account was $100, but how come mine is only $50? Did they changed it? And how many days will i have to wait till this acc mature?
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    Is this from him?

    People were panic.. LOL
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    Who will rewrite 250 words articles for $1?

    Will order from you in bulk. Articles are 250 words to 300 words. No more than that. Drop me aline with some samples or other previous thread.
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    Loudsocial and revenuegateway?

    Can i leave my campaigns more than a week with them? The reason i'm asking this is because RevenueGateway and Loudsocial are brother and sister, you get the idea... I had a really bad experience with socialmedia. My ads either stop getting impressions, or getting tons of cicks from china...