Search results

  1. jerxs

    Overture Sign-up = Fucked Up

    I have tryed to sign up with an Overture account numerous times throughout the week and each time I make it throught the whole process. I get to the last step where they ask you a few questions about your business and how and how much you spend on advertising per quarter. Hit next and get "Try...
  2. jerxs

    My first affiliate site / landing page, What Not To Do!

    Well I jumped into something a little different and have been having a hell of a time getting any kind of traffic period. I am hoping that some of you out there that are seasoned at promoting specific products and services can give me and others out there some advice as to how to effectively...
  3. jerxs

    Man, What A Bummer, I never thought...

    What a bummer man, I have a forum that is not very large, but those of us that are members are pretty tight. I have not checked one area of the forum in awhile and found out that one of our more prominent members died in his sleep the other night. Im in absolute shock and bummin really bad...
  4. jerxs

    Cocaine, I may have to give this shit a try

    Just reading up on a new energy drink. Cocaine Energy Drink
  5. jerxs

    Adwords Active Keywords

    I bid on a bunch of keywords through Adwords and although 100% of the keywords are active I dont see my ads for these keywords. A few of the keywords have no other sponsored listings when searched in google. SO why are they not showing? Is this kind of shit the norm? I am still quite new to...
  6. jerxs

    Promoting With Adwords and Redirects

    Is this a widely accepted way of promotion. I set up some adwords groups and some sub-domains and have the redirect on the subs to go striaght to the affiliate link. Im not really worried about opinions just whether or not its accepted by most CPA networks. Thank yah, Jer
  7. jerxs

    Kanoodle For PPC Traffic

    I am considering giving Kanoodle a a run for some PPC traffic. Is anyone using them or have used them? If so how is or was your experience? Did the traffic convert? Thanks Jer
  8. jerxs

    Helping A Neighbor "Some Thoughts I Had"

    Im sitting here thinking and have come up with an idea to one help keep a roof over my head and two help less fortunet peoples in my community. Id like your thoughts on this one. I would like to launch a local community site and run various benefits for different local charities and causes...
  9. jerxs

    Maxim's Oct Cover

    My god I almost jizzed when I pulled this months issue out of the mail box! That Venessa Minnillo is SMOKIN!!!!!!!!!!
  10. jerxs

    Promoting Through Landing Pages

    Alright I finally have things narrowed down and have choose one product that I am going to start promoting. I am working on a landing page now and am not sure of what flys and what doesnt. The landing page that I have created is so close to the manufacturers page that unless someone pays...
  11. jerxs

    Sweet New Google Keyword Tool

    Just Stumbled Upon This Keyword Tool Anyone know of any others?
  12. jerxs

    Adsense Rates Falling .. .. .. ..

    Has anyone else noticed a fall in their Adsense earnings? Maybe its just me, but I have seen a major drop in the last couple of days of what I am being paid per click. I cant remember the last time I was getting 0.0X clicks, but in the past couple of days I have seen many. My average is...
  13. jerxs

    Affilate marketing help

    All of the money that I have generated online to this point is coming from running Adsense and YPN on content driven websites. I am not making thousands a day from these networks, but have generated a decent income in the past 6 months or so. I am looking to broaden my horizons. Id like to...
  14. jerxs

    Shareasale, anyone use them?????

    I was talking to a guy at the corner store that is into affiliate marketing and recomended ShareSale. Has anyone used them? Any comments or cautions? Jer
  15. jerxs

    Adelphia Cable Sucks!!!!!

    Adelphia cable has been a real pain in the ass! Its only Friday and I have experienced outages at least 3 out of the last 5 days of this week! Today its been out all morning and we are slipping into the afternoon! Working on a 56K connection right now and let me tell yah it aint no fun...
  16. jerxs

    The Dog Go's Down!

    MSNBC has learned that U.S. officials have arrested TV reality star Duane "Dog" Chapman and two family members in Hawaii for extradition to Mexico. I found this a bit ironic!
  17. jerxs

    Ground Breaking Adsense Advice; lol

    Had to post it;
  18. jerxs

    Community Portal Scripts.....

    I am considering starting a community niche portal and am looking into two different scripts at the moment. PHPizabi and PHPfox PHPfox costs $300 and looks pretty solid. PHPizabi is FREE, open source and also looks pretty solid. Im not sure that I want to throw $300 on a script that will...
  19. jerxs

    Adsense, TOS concerning cloaked sites

    Im not sure that I quite unaderstand this fully, actually I do understand it, but am not sure if it would apply to a cloaked site. If the site in question has say, Index_1 and Index_2, Index_1 being the bait for the SE and 2 the human page. Do you think this could be considered ; If so does...
  20. jerxs

    Link Exchange "Kids Animated Cartoon"

    If you have any type of animated type cartoon site I would like to exchange links with you. The only exclusions are animated porn sites. PM me if interested. Jer