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  1. jerxs

    A little Help Please

    I just just got done throwing together a CSS nav for one of my sites and it looks pretty good from where I stand except for one thing. In Explorer the rollover images go heywire when rolled over. Can I get any of you all out there that might have Explorer to check it out and let me know if it...
  2. jerxs

    This Kid Kicks Ass!

    Watch this kid blow through Yngwie Malmsteen's, Far Beyond The Sun, like its nothing! Truely some bad ass guitar play! This kids got talent! Kick Ass Guitar Play
  3. jerxs

    Hot Naked Women!

    Check this shit out, some of the hottest chicks ive seen in a long time! HOT NAKED CHICKS :)
  4. jerxs

    Some Kick Ass Video

    Some Kick Ass Quad Riding Video, man I wish my back was not as fucked up as it is! Id still be out there zippin around on my 250R. This clip throws me into a jones! Rippin It Up!
  5. jerxs

    Azoogle 2.0 Affiliate Link?

    This may be a dumb question and its probably staring me right in the face, but here it goes. Wheres your basic affiliate link in 2.0? Ive been copying code from the banner source for each offer I want to use as a text link. Thanks Jer
  6. jerxs

    Barby Porn?

    Found this pretty funny,
  7. jerxs

    Some Design Suggestions

    I had huge plans for this domain, but I fucked around with it to long and have made it my own personal dump for basically whatever the hell I feel like dumping there. Its actually become the highlight of my day, posting senseless shit to my personal blog:) Im sort of stuck on the design though...
  8. jerxs

    $350,000 laptop!

    $350,000 Laptop I dont know about you, but even if I had $350,000 to piss away it sure wouldnt being going toward a fucking laptop!
  9. jerxs

    Wordpress Permalinks

    Does anyone know how to change the permalink setting in Wordpress without effecting links to existing posts? Im probably missing something thats right in front of me. Thanks Jer
  10. jerxs

    I Need Some Links!

    Howdy, I am working on a site that I have been dicking around with for the past couple of months. The site has been re developed so many times it aint funny, but I have finally found a home for it, it is being developed as my personal dump for mostly media type shit, but also personal rants. Id...
  11. jerxs

    HOLY FUCK!!!!!!

    Man Im shitting my fucking pants right about now! All of my sites hosted with IX are down and have been so for the past hour or so, I cant even get to their site, so I start doing some searching and things dont look to good. I have backups sure, but fuck man! FUCK! This is a post I found on...
  12. jerxs

    Polls Plug-in For Wordpress

    Anyone know of any good polls plug-ins for wordpress? I have found SurveyGizmo, but cant get it to work. I need something I can add simple and quick polls to the sidebar.php file. thanks Jer
  13. jerxs

    ValueClick Is A Fucking Joke!

    Im running a few ValueClick banners on one of my sites and just cant believe how fucking shitty the payout has been. Check this out for 1,749 impressions and 15 clicks I made a whopping $0.37, what the fuck is up with that. I cant see why anyone would pollute their site with their shitty...
  14. jerxs

    Check This Out "Pornography"

    Um yeah, make sure you have youre volume cranked and your womans lips wrapped around your unit before starting this game! scroll down to strip BS.
  15. jerxs

    Unique Website Template PSD/XHTML/CSS

    I have been working on a template for one of my websites and have decided to go with a different layout. I dont do allot of designing and development for 2nd parties, but I think it would be a waste to let this one rot away in a folder burried within my PC. I wont set a minimum price on this...
  16. jerxs

    Jesus Christ, do you think anyone actually falls for this shit?

    I must get xxx's of these a day. Do you think people actually fall for this shit? youd have to be really fucking stupid! The E-mail:
  17. jerxs

    Your Favorite Song, Does Anyone really have one?

    Checking out that AC/DC thread I started thing back to other threads on similar subjects and was wondering if anyone out there can actually settle on one all time favorite? I know I cant I just have way to many fucking favorites. Everything from John Lennon's "Imagine" to Suicidal Tendecie's...
  18. jerxs

    Your Favorite Joe Cartoon?

    Ive been a big fan of Joe Cartoon sense I first got online. Hes made some great cartoons, but Ill have to say this is my favorite. The song at the end is the icing on the cake. Whats your Fav.?
  19. jerxs

    Link Exchange, Cancer, Health, Mesothelioma

    If you have a health/cancer/mesothelioma type content site and would like to swap links fire me a PM. Jer
  20. jerxs

    Adwords / Adsense and Arbitrage

    Has anyone or is anyone doing arbitrage using adwords and adsense that has not been hit with smart pricing? Right now I am using Overture to Adsense & Adwords to YPN, but would like to start runnning some adwords traffic to a couple Adsense pages. Last time I tryed this I got hit with smart...