Search results

  1. jerxs

    My Christmas Contribution To You

    Heres my Christmas contribution to Wickedfire, enjoy and merry christmas, its old but has become a yearly x-mas favorite for me and hope you find it just as well. Supafly Santa
  2. jerxs

    Wordpress Numbered Navigation

    Anyone know of a Wordpress plugin that will display numbered navigation between the previous and next links? Ive looked at a couple pagnation scripts, but so far as I can see they are for splitting up single large posts and or pages. Id like each category, single post page and index to have a...
  3. jerxs

    Converting An Established Site To CMS..........

    I have a site that after a year is finally starting to rank and is getting a fair ammount of traffic naturally. The problem is this site is one of my first and ive made some mistakes along the way, one of which is that I have so much information now, with allot more to ad and the site is static...
  4. jerxs

    Im having a problem, PHPbb

    I installed a static URL script / plugin on this forum some time back and was having some problems after moving it to a sub domain. The server admins fixed my problem, but now im having another and thought id try using a redirect through a .htaccess file, no cigar. Check it out...
  5. jerxs "For Sale"

    As much as I dont want to give this site up, I just have no time to keep it updated. Its fairly new, the domain was just registered a week or so ago. What you will basically be bidding on here is a custom design and I will also package up several hundred, maybe even a thousand or so videos...
  6. jerxs

    My Pride And Joy, Check This Shit Out

    My four year old is like my shadow and is with me 90% of the time wether im working or not. He is always right there and has watched me build many of web pages. Tonight he said he wanted his own web page so I sat him on my lap told him what to do and he did it. Obviously he didnt do this without...
  7. jerxs

    The Amazing Racist

    This is some funny shit He has a few more floating around out there, do a search for em.... The Amazing Racist "Mexican Work" Another The Amazing Racist - KKK nazi This guys whacked
  8. jerxs

    Mesothelioma Site

    Yep, I bought into the hype also and had to throw together a Mesothelioma website, but after designing and throwing some content together I came to a realization I have no interest and would rather spend my time working on other projects. The site I am selling just got indexed in Google, Yahoo...
  9. jerxs


    Anyone making any scootch with Revver? I just signed up with them. What are your average earnings per click?
  10. jerxs

    Dedicated Hosting Or Shared?

    What makes dedicated hosting any better than shared? Right now I am using multiple business plans through IX webhosting, which run about $6 a month per plan. I was considering going with dedicated hosting for a media site that I am working on because 95% of the content will be streaming video...
  11. jerxs

    Link Exchange "Media Site"

    Im looking for some link partners for a Media Site im working on. VideoPoo Videos And Entertainment The site itself is only about 3 days old, but I can almost garuntee I will be driving some traffic within the next month or so. If interestes post here or PM me. Thanks Jer
  12. jerxs

    WP LAyout Images For Theme Not Showing

    I just started working on a WP template and have run into a weird problem. Ive uploaded header.php and all the images show, then I made some changes, changed a few image files, uploaded again now the images that I changed will not show unless I use a complete url; before I made the changes...
  13. jerxs

    Domain ""

    Im selling, I was using the domain as a landing page for Celladerm Anti Wrinkle Cream. It can be used for Celladerms Tanning cream also avaliable through Azoogle. I was just starting to get some natural traffic on the domain and also made some decent scootch with it driving...
  14. jerxs

    Fucked Up Alexa Stats

    I have a site that is getting on average about 300 uniques per day which really isnt much, but my Alexa stats are pretty decent 60000, reach = about 20 to 40 million a day, Reach per million is up 367%. WTF? I own sites that get much more traffic and they dont even rank in Alexa. How do they...
  15. jerxs

    You Gotta Check This Out!

    I sold and customized airsoft guns for a long time and actually hope to open my own brick and mortar shop in the future. First ill show off a bit and show you some of my customized guns, all are full metal one to one replicas of the real deal and all are full auto, the one with the grenade...
  16. jerxs

    PHPbb Conflicting with WP

    I have a phpBB forum on MediaSwim that seems to be conflicting with Wordpress. The forum was on the same domain, but I set up a sub domain thinking that would fix the problem. It didnt! Even with the forum placed on a sub when logging in or logging out it redirects the user to the index page of...
  17. jerxs


    I just got done redesigning the arcade area of my personal site, I tryed something a little different with a navigation, nothing big, but different for me. What do you think? Its the game category nav top of container. Media Swim Arcade | Flash Games Also I have shit for games right now...
  18. jerxs

    Kill Whitey !!

    YouTube - Kill the white people Id love to break this pricks jaw!
  19. jerxs

    W3C Non-Compliant!

    I feel left out whenever I see W3C compliant this and that on web pages, I decided to make my own compliance icons. I just finished this one, but will be making one for CSS also, and making a few different sizes. Jer
  20. jerxs

    $5,000+ For A PS3!

    I jumped on Ebay this morning out of curiosity and was floored when I saw this! $5,000 + PS3 Ive been checking the bid every now and then and havent seen any more go quite that high. Youd really have to be one sorry son of a bitch to pay five grand for a game system!