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  1. riddarhusetgal

    Decrease your Keyword costs by 50 or more%

    Hey! I can't take credit for this but I am sure glad I re-read this post (it was kinda long the first time, must admit about 1 month ago I just breezed through it without implementing it). Well, after dealing with ski-high adcenter and adwords costs, I took several hours today plowing through...
  2. riddarhusetgal

    Trade: Content Articles for Arbi/AM advice

    Hi, I am new to the came of Arbi but not to content. Experience includes working for top tier consulting firms doing executive briefs (think McKinsey & Co, Bain, etc.). I've also made a living edited admissions essays for applicants to top-tier business schools (clients have applied to...
  3. riddarhusetgal

    Any success with video ad arbitrage?

    I heard ctrs can be higher. Anyone doing this?
  4. riddarhusetgal

    Tool for ranking the most competitive keywords

    Thought someone might find this interesting... Enjoy...
  5. riddarhusetgal

    Sunday's Church Sermon - Very motivational!

    This was some great stuff for a n00b to listen to. Are there any more? :bowdown: Thanks!
  6. riddarhusetgal

    How SEO_Mike & Wickedfire made me over $243 since Saturday!!

    Hi everybody. I just posted this to amp myself up and to perhaps give people some encouragement. I started seriously UTILIZING some of the suggestions I have read on Wickedfire and I have made this much so far - yes it is chicken change compared to what some folks are making weekly but it feels...
  7. riddarhusetgal

    Have you had this problem with Copeac?

    I'm having a strange problem. Normally, my leads show up pretty quickly. Since I just started out, I have got some good leads from folks I know interested in continuing ed, so I know they took the action. However, in the past, my leads showed up in a manner of minutes, none have registered for...
  8. riddarhusetgal

    100+ fresg ipod/Electronic leads for somebody

    Hi there, I realize that most of the people making money on this forum are too busy for n00bs so I am hoping to give in order to receive.... If that don't work, how about helping a smart, attractive, ambitious girl in Anyway, here is the deal. I tried a little ad-writing...
  9. riddarhusetgal

    What does "contextualized" traffic mean?

    So I loaded up a COPEAC program for a trial run. It says "only contextualized traffic". What does that specifically mean? Does it mean one can't promote through PPC? Please advise ASAP! Thanks....
  10. riddarhusetgal

    $100 a day profit: Is $5 x20 pages in 30 days How?

    I want to hear from some experienced professionals. Is it possible to build have 20 arbi-ish sites (provides some useful content, not just links) which generate $5 in ad profit in 30 days. How can one make this possible? Taking action is not an issue, as i am very motivated. The main goal is...
  11. riddarhusetgal

    ^90,749 & 4 Clicks= What's Wrong Please?!^

    Hello! I have a question, please help a damsel in distress! I have been doing some adwords testing (bidding very low on the content network). I got 90,749 impressions but only 4 clicks? That's not even a CTR of .05%! I am an extreme newbie so I really need to know what's up.. Is it a technical...
  12. riddarhusetgal

    Recommend CPA/PPLs? Use me as a commission....

    Can we please have some really experienced and successful members' opinion on this. I think someone else asked a slightly similar question. Mainly I'd like to know: 1) How much does one need to "sell" the benefits of taking the action step even if it is free (ex....get this ringtone so you'll...
  13. riddarhusetgal

    Effective/turnkey PPL Landing Pages? 1st post question!

    Hi. I know people are busy enhancing their net worth so I will make this quick! I am looking to launch several turn-key/standard landing pages for PPL experiments asap and I have a few questions.... Namely: 1) What model general works (i.e. highest conversions). Should I just: 1) tell them to...