Search results

  1. NtodaS

    What is your plan?

    What is your plan/goal for the oncoming months/years. How are you planning on making money and what kind of affiliate, advertisement or sales strategie are you having in mind? I myself am planning first of all to deploy some quality content websites with which i can make some money via...
  2. NtodaS

    Webdesign inspiration

    If you design website you probably know all about it. Sometimes when designing a layout is works out fine and looks good. And the next time you design something it just won't work and looks rediculous. Most of the time i stop the designing part then and go surf the web for inspiration. I made...
  3. NtodaS

    Dream cars

    Since there already is a thread about cars you're driving know I'd like to start one about cars you see yourself driving in in the (near) future after your bussiness plans have come true and your earning skyrocketed ;) I start out modest just with an 2005 Ford mustang GT, which isn't that...
  4. NtodaS

    3D design

    Anyone here familiar with 3dimensional designing in for example 3d studio max or maya. I have tried some things in 3dsmax for logo designs and stuff. It's kinda hard to learn i must say. And the benefits aren't really great. Allthough it might be a hobby to someone here...I've seen some...
  5. NtodaS

    Open source webtemplates

    There are some site's like that provide free templates madeby users. Some actually are very good and made for optimal usage. Does anyone ever use these kinds of templates? or do you make /let make everything yourself? list of links to OS template sites...
  6. NtodaS


    I haven't really seen any 'Introduce yourself' topics. Please tell something about yourself, where you from? hobbies? school? work? Just anything you like to share :) So I'll take the honor by starting myself... My name is Niels, Im almost 19 years old. From the Netherlands. Been in the...
  7. NtodaS

    Web Browser

    What webbrowser do you think is best? I tend to stick with firefox, mainly because it's a good IE alternative with some extra features. But since there is getting more and more FF based spyware I'm kinda looking for something else, any suggestions? Current hot browsers: - Internet explorer...
  8. NtodaS


    I think most of you will say, 'waste of time' or 'got no time'. Anyway I like to play some computer games once in a while. Esspecially racing types. Really get's your mind of things for a moment. Any more game-fans here?
  9. NtodaS

    Graphical design

    I like to start a topic here about the graphical part of making websites. I really like this part mostly because (I think :P) I'm pretty good at it. I also design logo's and banner related graphics. What kind of programmes do you use? I do all my work with Photoshop.. :)