Search results

  1. M

    Digg, Stumble Linkbait: Top quality edgy writing for cheap (thanks recession)

    If you're looking for unique content that speaks to your audience and is linkbait for social networking sites like Digg, Stumble, Mixx, Facebook, Myspace, Reddit and many other social networking sites, then look no further. I'm a UCLA student currently interning with a few major online companies...
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    Social Linkbait Artilces: I write articles for Digg, Reddit, Mixx etc.

    Let's be honest, the quality you're going to get for a cheap six dollar article is a waste of your time. If you're looking for unique content that speaks to your audience and is linkbait for social networking sites like Digg, Stumble or Reddit then look no further. I'm currently interning with...
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    Wanted: Craigslist poster -- manual

    Need to post the same ad in a few cities a few times per week. You must be "account verified" to post in the services area and readers must be able to contact me vial e-mail through the post. PM me with your prices
  4. M

    $6 Articles: Written by a UCLA student

    Only 30 slots available and my price has increased to $6 per 300 word article due to an overwhelming response. All articles are personally written, no outsourcing. Hoping to find someone to form a long term business relationship for, so this is a good time to try me out. Five Article minimum...
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    Never though a stopwatch description could be so XXX

    Yes this is my shitty humor site but I found this trying to buy a new stopwatch. Please Digg it if you find it funny. Just read it twice as fast — Get Your Funny
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    Stupid sorority girl

    I was hanging out with a bunch of Sorority girls the other night and they all asked me to take a picture of them with their cameras. Well, we were all drunk and I dropped one of their cameras on accident and here was the facebook message waiting for me the next day. "I hate to put a damper on...
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    Best Wordpress Plugin for link exchange?

    Can someone recommend their favorite.
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    eBay mystery auctions

    I have a few Wii's and wondering about these mystery auctions. Are they profitable? Any problems using them?
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    Best place to park domains

    I was looking at SedoPro but you need an invite (unless someone wants to help me out). What do you suggest?
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    Quality Articles Written by UCLA student - $5+

    I'm going to jump in the article writing sphere for a second here to put some spare change in my pocket. I'm offering to write QUALITY articles for $5 and up, depending on the length. Anything over 300 words will be more money but this is not your typical dating site article writing. I will do...
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    wanted: Facebook App developer

    I would like to develop an App and monetize it for facebook but I can't code for shit. Will pay $$ PM ME
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    700$ to burn - want to get started!

    I'm leaning heavily towards doing the whole directory thing but I'm not very good at making websites or anything like that. I'm pretty decent with blogs and Wordpress though. So what would you do with $700 besides hookers, blow, weed and more hookers?
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    Wordpress follow page

    I don't know what its called exactly but here is my best explanation. I have a video blog with comedy videos. I want my home page to show the newest video posts but when you click the video it goes to a seperate page -> where the video plays. Most...
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    CrAzY Out-of-the-Box Ideas needed Winner gets 10$

    I need some unique ideas to drive traffic to a comedy website I'm about to launch, PLEASE NO SEX. Besides the obligatory Funny Video ---> Digg I need some unique stuff BEST IDEA GETS 10$ VIA PAYPAL (if u dont have paypal ur SOL)
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    Yahoo Answers - How to make Money?

    How does someone use Yahoo Answers to make cash (or traffic)? I heard about someone doing it but wasn't filled in on the details.
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    need redirect 301 help

    I am trying to make a redirect site so that when someone goes to Example Web Page they are redirected to blockbuster total access through my affiliate link. I put this code in an .htaccess file and uploaded to my root. Redirect 301 / and changed "new-site" with my...
  17. M

    Cool drinks to order in Vegas

    I'll be in Vegas over the weekend to celebrate my 21'st. Since my knowledge of alcohol can be summed up by beer, jack and coke, and a mojito.. I need to know some cool drinks to order in a bar. After all, if I'm gonna pay 12$ for a drink they might as well work.
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    Is there anyone willing to submit my articles for $

    I simply don't have the time to submit my articles to ezine and all the other top article websites. I'm willing to pay someone if they can submit 7 articles to the top 5 article sites.
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    MSN AD -> Affiliate link -> Merchant Page

    I just got off the phone with MSN adcenter because my keywords and campaigns were taking forever to get approved. The lady told me that they had a huge mass sign-up over the weekend and they're working over time to approve things, just in case people were curious. Anyways, I then asked her if...
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    tracking keyword conversions

    is there any way to track which keywords are sending people to my site and making them click on the affiliate link?