Search results

  1. erect

    Steal the competition's keywords, SEO / PPC keyword tool

    I had to come up with a keyword list for a client (adult site). Normally I'd scrape the google suggestion & adwords tool for words but they don't return any results for porn related words. I had to figure something else out. This worked for me in a pinch, so I'll share it with you guys...
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    Political talking points

    Candidates beat their points into our head like we are toddlers. Makes you wonder how many hours went into creating and rehearsing the rhetoric we hear daily ... yet another reason I'll be voting 3rd party. <div><embed...
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    WF gave me the boot

    I've posted about 5 things over the past 2 days (since the vb update) and always get this ... "The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 4 characters." ... many replies are paragraphs long. I've logged out & back in, cleared cookies, etc ... can't...
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    These candidates are pussies

    I fucking love the guys at Somehow I missed this post and it's by far the greatest thing I've read in a long time. The 5 most badass presidents! My vote goes to #5 Andrew Jackson. He's as fucking nutty as they come but overlooking his many flaws he's still one of the guys that...
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    Ron Paul supports .... Chuck Baldwin, gives Bob Barr the finger

    This will be hitting the front page of digg any minute now ... digg it up. Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty » Blog Archive » A New Alliance - By Dr. Ron Paul | The Revolution Continues This is EXACTLY what we need. There is almost no chance the Constitution party will be in the White House...
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    New Guitar Hero set list

    They've done some pretty kick ass stuff in the past but check out this set list. I've been waiting for 311 on GH, TJ Mahoney FTW!!!!!!!!! 311 - "Beautiful Disaster" The Allman Brothers Band - "Ramblin' Man" Beastie Boys - "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" Billy Idol - "Rebel Yell" blink-182 -...
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    WTF? Ron Paul gets back in the game

    So I'm doing a little research tonight looking at the other options available to us. The only potentially decent candidate I see is Wayne Allyn Root the VP for the Libertarian party ... he's a business man, celeb & made a ton of money in sports betting. Whatever, more entertaining than worth a...
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    Sarah Palin :: American MILF

    Take your politics elsewhere, they are not welcome in this thread. Feel free to photochop at your discretion. Sarah Palin is apparently a closer! edit (flickr killed a few) And her daughter's not 1/2 bad either. (Not the one with the tierra ChrisS) ... and just...
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    Putty for dummies

    Hey guys I could use some help evaluating how my server is performing. The catch is that I know absolute shit about root access. Good programmer, shitty sys admin but it's necessary when you move to VPS/dedi boxes. Here is the extent of my knowledge at this moment. command :::: definition of...
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    Skin on a BMW ... at a loss for words

    Now I officially drive a piece of shit! YouTube - BMW GINA Light Visionary Model: Premiere
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    reducing serverload ... sql ruduction help

    One of my sites has recently experienced some downtime due to too many sql connections (25) at any given time. I've upgraded to vps for this 1 site just to make the problem go away but this issue will come up again as traffic continues to grow. I need to knock this one out now so the site is...
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    Shared Hosting Trade

    I've heard of all kinds of rings and networks on the internet but have yet to come across something like sharing shared or vps hosting. I release websites all the time and have multiple hosting accounts but am always on the lookout for more ip addresses, servers & dns info. This stuff helps...
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    torrent blocking business opportunity

    Ironically I was thinking about this last night and saw this post in a different thread. Sorry kh1 but just uploading them is not enough, you need seeds to flood the torrents to get help contain piracy. 1 file uploaded and hoping for the best is simply not enough. Moving on ... I was looking...
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    What to do with weak crack attempts

    Quick question to see what you guys do with this stuff on your domains. I frequently check through my referrer logs to see how people are getting to my sites. Without fail, many people will enter a direct url with a page appended to the end. I'm not really a security expert so I'm assuming...
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    how to find all sites by adsense pub ID

    Looked around just for a sec and was not able to figure this one out. I'm thinking of something similar to AdsSpy. I'm not looking for anyone to program it or anything, got that under control. I'm looking for advice on how to get some search service to return all sites by publisher ID No...
  16. erect

    Need: Directory Submittors to hire

    Hello people, I'm writing a script to do something different with directory submissions and I'm looking for several services who commercially submit to directories. Any referrals from wf members on people who kick ass? If you do submissions yourself (or outsource them) please post here or PM...
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    isohunt rickroll on homepage

    isoHunt - the BitTorrent and P2P search engine thought it was just you smart asses here at wf but I've seen more of Rick in the past 10 hours than I would ever care to. F april fools day