Search results

  1. zimok

    French Portfolio (1 MILLION 'exact' match)

    French SEO developer? Have I got an opportunity for you. I gradually researched and bought a french IDN(accented letters) SEO profile... that if built & ranked, has the 'exact match' potential of 939,300 (France) and 1,687,600 (Global). This is the best of the best from running exhaustive...
  2. zimok

    VPS - *Adult Material* - Recommendations?

    Any recommendations for a good VPS that allows adult material?(legal of course).. something similar to the mainstream VPS's in terms of, -cost for function(bandwidth/storate/RAM/CPU) -reliability -knowledgeable support available 24/7 -*managed* vps (not worry about backups/security/updates)...
  3. zimok


    Om nom nom, saw too many good under boobs while making my side boobs thread!
  4. zimok


    My favorite kind, :)
  5. zimok

    Productive Business Relationships

    I'm just asking for general advice(or books, videos, etc) from anyone who's had a successful partnership towards a common business goal. I'm sure a lot of you are in the same boat so I'll just state my current situation. In life, you have friends you grow up with and if you're terribly lucky...
  6. zimok

    Scientists have created synthetic life in the laboratory

    I smell a nobel prize, new slogans on westboro baptist church protest signs, and an infinite amount of potential for this new technique. TIMESONLINE Related videos, YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  7. zimok

    Monetizing Hotlinked Images

    A website in the top 200k of alexa decided to hotlink a gif file off a webpage of mine. The file is a gif that's equivalent to a 'play' button, and they made it a central part of their website and it's ass big gif (260x260+). The HTML for the gif on their page is, <a...
  8. zimok

    A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything

    YouTube - A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything
  9. zimok

    360° *controllable* Haiti Drive-by

    Coolest thing I saw today, there's 5 videos to explore. I hope to be seeing many more of these in the future. Haiti earthquake: 360° video
  10. zimok

    Websites That Don't Make You Dumberer?

    I'm looking for quality informational websites of any kind, Damn Interesting Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TED: Ideas worth spreading I can't really describe what I want except for it to be along the lines of the above... regular updates...
  11. zimok

    Vintage Ad Browser (100,000+ Ads)

    Vintage Ad Browser Bookmark worthy, if you ever need inspiration or creative ideas how to get the aging demographic to reminisce subconsciously. The brain never forgets, but the person does. 1920 Acai Burn, 1920s Teeth whitening, Skin Cream with Celeb endorsement, Free Trials, "Better...
  12. zimok

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    Destructible geometry, all kinds of guns, helicopters, tanks!, squad play, huge maps etc.. pre-ordered on PC(steam)..with all the fat loss threads on WF, gotta be some gamers? YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  13. zimok

    "Worst possible "date" ever" (Involves piss, shit & boners)

    Worst possible "date" ever...I don't even... FML (serios) - Forums True or not, lmao at everything.
  14. zimok

    What's Your Reaction Time?

    The Reflex Tester Play it a few times and post your average.. .17-.18 is mine
  15. zimok

    Does YouTube scan/rip/upload to their site?

    One of my friends owns a large site very similar to YouTube. Last month and months preceding the googlebot slurped his site for 50gb+ of data. Yahoo/MSN crawlers don't even compare(less than 1gb on average). We all know google can't extrapolate a lot of data from mediums other than text. The...
  16. zimok

    Idle Are The Hands Of A Dead Man

    Often times I'll drive by the cemetery, think about dead people and how they would yearn to have the opportunities that I have right now. It always gets me motivated and gives me a sense of urgency. I got some polymer clay from the craft store and threw this together to have a constant reminder...
  17. zimok

    What Would You Think About? (Conscious Coma)

    Delete this post please. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuplicate thread.
  18. zimok

    VirtuaWin - Multiple Desktops ~ 1 Screen (Useful)

    Open source, light and incredibly fucking useful. Can't believe I missed this one for so long. VirtuaWin - Virtual Desktops for Windows I always had like 30 little icons on my task bar, this fixes all that by letting me organize everything by sphere of thought. Who needs multiple monitors...
  19. zimok

    He's Going To Need At Least 5 Stitches

    Robert Lindsay Returns: Face Split Diving Accident Video Is this real? not a spin, I prumice! [warning: moderately graphic]
  20. zimok

    You're Going To Die

    You're going to die one day, and all the money in the world won't save you. I'm personally not afraid of dieing, and am an outright non-believer to any emotionally satisfying anecdotes and fables concerning my existence and aftermath. Emotion has evolutionary roots, it is not a basis which...