Search results

  1. AllBizNiz

    Anybody Watch The Bachelor?

    I know, I know... I am forced to watch this fucking show every Monday with my wife. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Is anybody else besides Turbo watching this? I can't believe this guy. I've heard he's going to pick Vienna.. She looks like a product from Wagenheim's family with the crazy eyes.
  2. AllBizNiz

    Political Blog Hannity & Colmes Style

    I know there's a couple people on this board who enjoy politics. I've got a domain I registered back when the tea party movement first came on to the scene. I was wondering if anybody would be interested in writing for this blog. I am thinking about using a plugin that uses each authors adsense...
  3. AllBizNiz

    FREE Geo IP Solution - UP and running in only minutes

    I've been doing a lot of searching and finally came across this little beast. I'm sure a few of you will enjoy this free GEOIP solution for your website(s). Today I Searched | PHP Geo IP Address Lookup Enjoy
  4. AllBizNiz

    ASE - Will You Be Attending?

    I'm going to try and make it out to the ASE. Since I'm fairly close, I was thinking about driving. My drive would be about 7 hours. I've never been to New York so I don't know how bad the driving conditions will be downtown by the Hilton. Any recommendations for the area would be awesome. I'm...
  5. AllBizNiz

    Talk To Strangers

    Here's a recent conversation I had with a stranger. Any success stories with Omegle? I was about to take this stranger out for a spin if he didn't disconnect so fast.
  6. AllBizNiz

    Addon Domains

    I've got a folder called _sites under my root folder on my shared hosting. When the spiders come to index m site, will it drill all the way down into all of my other addon domains? Should I exclude that folder from my "main" site with the robots file? Edit: Hotlink fail! I checked these friggin...
  7. AllBizNiz

    My Concept - Would it work?

    I've had this idea for awhile now and would never develop it. I'm throwing it out here for others to see if the concept is even worth developing. If you think it's a winner, by all means, do something with it. I'm sure people can get creative with the idea. Anyways, here it is. I was thinking...
  8. AllBizNiz

    Ability to tag contacts or add a tooltip

    I've started to add a lot of contacts on this forum that provide excellent services. At some point I think I will get forgetful as to what these people do or have done for me if I don't put them in some sort of spreadsheet. It would be nice to place tags on the contacts or even have some sort...
  9. AllBizNiz

    Touchdown Fail

    Sorry if this is a repost. I LOL'd pretty damn good. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  10. AllBizNiz

    Cleveland’s Cutest Baby contest

    Hey guys, my wife entered my daughter in Cleveland's cutest baby contest. Any votes would be appreciated :smilie_weihn_winki:. Vote - #512
  11. AllBizNiz

    Tracking your own site with Tracking202

    I've been looking for way to damn long here. I've posted a couple of questions in the forum, but will also see if anybody knows here. Can you effectively track your own website with Tracking202? I've got hundreds of products that vary in price. I want to track the conversions on there as well...
  12. AllBizNiz

    .md TLD Extension

    I've only found a couple of sites on Google that would allow me to register a .md. Does anybody know of a reputable site I could get one of these registered? I can't seem to locate this extension on Namecheap or Godaddy. Thanks
  13. AllBizNiz

    Native English Writer - $0.01 per word -All unique content

    I'm a native English writer from the USA. My wife and I currently have some extra time to bang out a few articles before the holidays. All of our content is unique and will pass Copyscape. All content will be written either by me, or my wife. We do not outsource any of our work. What others...
  14. AllBizNiz

    Last months Adwords PPC campaign

    Here's some stats for last months PPC campaign. Just wanted to get some opinions on these numbers. I feel this should be doing much much better...
  15. AllBizNiz

    Obama bends over to suck on the Japanese Emperor's Zamboni

    WTF is going on with this guy? Anybody else from the USA pissed off about this? Obama Draws Fire for Bow to Japanese Emperor -
  16. AllBizNiz

    How Your Best Man could Ruin Your Wedding

    Must see video - If you're getting married, make sure your best man doesn't do what this guy did. YouTube - Clumsy best man ruins the wedding ceremony.
  17. AllBizNiz

    100th Post **Boobs For All** - The Allbizniz Boob Thread

    Boobs on me :smilie_weihn_winki: And top top it off, I threw in a little video you fellas might get a kick out of. Also, don't forget to check out the Explosions and Boobs link :). YouTube - 99 boobs Explosions and Boobs
  18. AllBizNiz

    This video is crazy

    Well, I've got to hand it to these two dudes for executing this so well. YouTube - Wheelbarrow races never looked so good.
  19. AllBizNiz

    Godaddy Shared Hosting - Point domain from namecheap to sub folder

    Ok, I've got all of my domains currently with Godaddy. Their private domain registration is starting to add up. I took a look at Namecheap and it looks like private registration is included with new domains. Now here's my question. If I get a domain from Namecheap, can I point it over to my...
  20. AllBizNiz

    Native English writer - $1.5/100 High Quality Content

    High quality American made content for only $1.5/100 FREE Review Copy available (Up to 400 words) You can be assured this rate will stick for a long time. I've got great turn around times on my projects. I plan on establishing myself here as one of the greats. I'll put your mind at ease, my...