Search results

  1. Berto

    Google Body Browser Whoa
  2. Berto

    Friday 12/17 9AM EST - Gives 1,000 $100 Credits (VPS)

    Hey all, check this out: Linode Blog » Linode $100,000 Giveaway! Set your alarms for 9AM on Friday and sign up for's giveaway. I have two VPS's through Linode, and they are FAR superior to all of the other hosts I've tried. The network is fantastic, many datacenters to choose from...
  3. Berto

    SpaceX Successfully Launches Commercial Rocket into Orbit - Privatizing Space

    Since many of us are politically oriented geeks, thought you'd enjoy this: SpaceX commercial craft heads into space - This morning, SpaceX successfully launched their Falcon 9 rocket and accompanying Dragon capsule into orbit. This was COTS Demonstration I, which means they are...
  4. Berto

    Any Google Apps Alternatives for Email on a Domain?

    Too embarrassed to ask elsewhere and am lost trying to find it. Are there any free webmail services whose mailservers I can point my domain's MX records to BESIDES Google Apps? The webhost this domain is on is sucking but I don't feel like moving the whole thing. I don't want to use Google...
  5. Berto

    SoCal BROS - $19 Southwest Flights to Vegas for ASW

    Purchase by the end of the day! Special Offers - Air Specials - Southwest Airlines Ends up being a bit under $60 after taxes/fees. I'm on flights 2235 and 615 right now if you want to booze it up for an hour. Good meeting everyone at Cabo Saturday... thanks to BluAffiliate for setting it up...
  6. Berto

    Off to Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China. Wanna Party?

    So my last trip to Amsterdam, Interlaken, and Munich for Oktoberfest was an EPIC win. Now I'm off to Asia to visit my good friend who started a business out there. Been promising to visit him forever, and now I can. Gonna fly into Hong Kong, party it up, then take a ferry to Macau for this...
  7. Berto

    Anyone Know how to post an Amazon Associates Link to Facebook Feeds?

    The subject pretty much says it all. I want to occasionally post Amazon associate links to a Facebook Feed, but they see both 301/307 Redirects as well as URL shortening domains and fix it back to a standard Amazon URL when you try to post it. One idea is to build a little page that puts it in...
  8. Berto

    Traveling Europe: Where to go between Amsterdam and Interlaken

    Next week, I'm going on a "bachelor party" in Europe. We party in Amsterdam next weekend, then will leave on Sunday to head up to Interlaken to do some outdoorsy stuff during the week. I guess the overnight trains are too expensive, so we're going to rent a van to drive from Amdam to...
  9. Berto

    Monday Gift: Reverse Dictionary - Great for Content and Domaining

    My novelist friend posted this on his facebook feed: OneLook Dictionary Search Let's say you can't get an exact match .com domain, so you want to find a quick three letter word that starts with 's' Just put s?? in there, and then filter down by common words/phrases, and you get some ideas...
  10. Berto

    Happy Atlas Shrugged Day!

    "A white rectangle hung over the city, imparting the date to the men in the streets below. In the rusty light of this evening's sunset, the rectangle said: September 2." Happy Atlas Shrugged Day! Cheers to the primary book that influenced me to want to run my own business. I know that...
  11. Berto

    TITS EXPLOSION - I am Now Fully Self-Employed...

    ...and I couldn't have gotten here without you guys. I'm sure you've seen half of these, but hopefully something to liven your day. Now for some sporty girls (that's sporty, right?) Not good at Asians. Maybe someone can post better ones I'm a...
  12. Berto

    Creating Monster Advanced Drip Feed Blasts - Need Excel Help

    Hey all, I have a lot of URLs that I'd like to simply Drip on DripFeedBlasts on a daily basis. I don't want to deal with multiple campaigns (unless I force a 500-banger manually on certain days) - I just want ONE huge blast that I can keep modifying depending on what percentages of my links...
  13. Berto

    Wanted: ~50 Shared Hosting Plans on Different C-Blocks

    Hi all, Over the next year, I have an ambitious plan to launch about 50 websites. They will be powered by WordPress and will receive a max of 2000 uniques/day each, so shared hosting is fine. I'd like them all to link into my main money site. Because of this, I want a lot of them to be on...
  14. Berto

    New Iron Maiden Single Released - El Dorado

    For you metalheads. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. Not so sure about the opening and closing sequences, but this song is catchy and rocks. Get ready for the new album on August 15th! UP THE IRONS!
  15. Berto

    My 400th Post - 1 boob for every 50 posts

    I'm not a good boob poster but here goes. Been a member of various forums all my life, following my sports teams, surfing, products I promote, etc etc... but this is the best one because we help each other MAKE MONIES, so it's not a complete timesuck. You guys rock and need to eventually meet...
  16. Berto

    Californians - How are you running LLCs / S-Corps? Out of State?

    I know there's a ton of CA residents here, and I should consult a lawyer, but I'm wondering what you CA folk do with your LLCs and S-Corps. Are you paying the $800/year franchise tax, or do you incorporate elsewhere like Nevada or Delaware? I'm fine paying the state income tax, but I'm sick of...
  17. Berto

    Just Got Blogspammed by a Competitor - What to Do?

    So I just got spammed 4 times on the same blog I own (personal blog) by a direct competitor (who isn't ranking nearly as well as I am) on a keyword I actively target and dominate. His site flat out sucks and he didn't use a proxy. He's clearly a beginning affiliating marketer (not that I'm a...
  18. Berto

    The Red Queen

    I'm reading a book, The Red Queen, which tries to answer the question of why Humans have sex, and if it is a defining factor of human survival and human nature in our evolutionary path. I read this part and thought you'd all enjoy it: I'm 70 pages in and hooked... I love this kind of geeky...
  19. Berto

    Newbie Lesson - Why you should host your campaign on your own domain!

    I see a lot of people trying to pimp stuff on sites like blogger/wordpress/whatever. I recently launched a mini-site geared towards a single product. The top result has been bouncing around, but this week, it was a well-written page on a Web 2.0 property. Today, I saw that it the page got...
  20. Berto

    WANTED FOR HIRE: Article Spinner for 2 Months - 3 WP Blog Spins per day, Weekly Pay

    Hi all, I have a 2 month project and am looking for an Article Spinner to do 3 daily spins. I'm looking for bids. General job/content information: - I will have an RSS feed aggregated, and you can randomly choose 3 articles a day. - The articles will average 500 words. If we are spinning...