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  1. bizkiller

    Tracklead is down!!

    Pause your shit!!
  2. bizkiller

    Having fun with some indian...

    So.. This actually just happened. No explanation needed.. READ! :D
  3. bizkiller

    Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!

    Hey brossss I'm happy that i found this place, even tho i'm not a baller yet.. I'll reach that baller status soon.. Happy B-day to me!! November 12th is my Birthday!!!! Here!! Enjoy some boobs! PEEACE!!! Thanks for helping me bros!!! P.S - EWA Rocks.
  4. bizkiller

    What Do You Drive? Version 2.0

    Heh.. I thought i would post a thread about cars since its been a while since i saw the last "car" thread.. so.. basically.. I wanna know. What do you guys have with all that interwebz monies?? I'll post mine! I Drive a Honda Civic with lots of mods.. I love this car for its great MPG...
  5. bizkiller

    I need HELP with COPEAC!

    OKay, SO I haven't gotten my october's payment yet. i tried to contact my Affiliate manager and Mike, but My AM seems to be ignoring me or been busy. I know i dont make a killing there, but isn't it too harsh? It's decemeber now, my paycheck should have been here 3 ~ 4 weeks ago...
  6. bizkiller

    Hello! I am...

    BizKiller!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll be hanging around on this forum a lot from now on. i was on #cakes, and nulled and cliq helped me so much! [ i love you..] :) welcome me guys!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA peace. ;)
  7. bizkiller

    Best tactics to make money with cpa?

    So, we all know that, we can make shit load of money, if we do things in a proper way. let's share some tactics in this thread. here are my ideass... CPA + Torrent = Very blackhat, and only for quick cash. PPC + CPA = if you do it right, you will become rich, but idk how to ppc yet :(...
  8. bizkiller

    about adwords shits

    is it possible to use adwords vouchers when u already have an account?
  9. bizkiller

    I need some help on PPC + CPA :( or.....

    okayy,,, noob here!! i've been lurking aroudn this forum i like the athmosphere here ! :) fuck fuck! anywyas! i've seens some people making some serious cash with PPC + CPA. could someone give me some ideas about this? or. are there any other CPA methods other than torrents? Thanks! :P...
  10. bizkiller

    Please Help! Genious on WF!! ! ! !

    so, this might be some kind of black hat, but, does anyone know how to put the e-mail or zip submit blank & button on their own landing pages from offer pages? HELP!!! NEED SOME HELP!!
  11. bizkiller

    do you smell scam?

    so, it was about 3 weeks ago, i saw a Job ads on craigslist, saying that they are hiring e-bay workers. i applied, they said i need to apply job by contacting the manager via MSN messenger. so i did... oh btw, do you guys know, OverSale.Org ?? i googled the web address and i saw their ads...
  12. bizkiller

    i'm lame... heheheh

    Can anyone teach me, how to sell anything to anyone? just kiddinggg. so.. im a high schooler right. i have an interview on monday for my job. so, this job.. is like being a sales man i think? you basically have to get subscriptions from new people, and sell news papers. and i get...
  13. bizkiller

    Would this work???

    :bigear: okay, so... when you make a landing page for CPA offer. like, a poll voting page. can you move the zip/e-mail submit box from the lead page to the landing page? so, it could convert better. :( Help meeee
  14. bizkiller

    N00bies adsense question

    how do you filter the Adsense Ad? like, if i make an arbi page, i want the !@#!@ Software to appear. Forex Trading Basics for Everyone if you look at this site, all the ads there are about forex trading tools. how do i do that? :anon.sml:
  15. bizkiller

    Okay, I'm ready for....

    Rick Rolled-ing. I know you guys are gonna make fun of me, or call me an "ass hat" but, at least i tried. i things, i tried adwords, but i got my ass kicked hella bad. so for a while, not gonna think about adwords at all. i tried CPA + Craigslist = Didnt Work at all...
  16. bizkiller

    CPA offers without any money spending on it?

    dOes anyone know how to make some money with CPA offers. without spending any money on adwords or advertising? i tried craigslist and forums. and it's not working well.... does anyone have ideas?
  17. bizkiller

    Newbie's cOpEac Question

    okay, i tried to ask these questions to my AM, but she ignored me, i mean she always ignores me, i think it's cuz i'm a noob. but, how do you find more offers at copeac site?. and. how do you find your affiliate code?. or.. how do you put your affiliate code into your offer? Thank you! :)
  18. bizkiller

    Here goes a stupid question.

    okay, so.. i'm still young. i'm a junior in high school. and i just moved to u.s about 3 years ago. and... i want to do some AM. and yeah, i have things planned out. i'm trying to do some CPA with Adwords or yahoo. but.. i dont have any that much of money to start. could anyone give me...
  19. bizkiller

    YAY I'M A NOOB , and i have a question! Boob!

    okay, if i get a good answer, then i'll post hella boobs here. okay so , here it goes! . what does, Adwords Site Placement? or Replacement? mean..?? i found that word, when i was using adsense finder, so, u find a real good adwords campaign, and can you really replace ur site with that...
  20. bizkiller

    Hello, I need some help here.

    I know, i might sound like a dumbshit, but, i wanted to know, if i could make money as an cb AFFILIATE. not as a merchant. well, yeah, i might have to scam people to make money, but, how does other people do it.? LP ? Presell? Send hella offers to Email lists?. i just want to know how...