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  1. productionhead

    A Guide to Movie Ratings

  2. productionhead

    Adcenter trademark filter

    For those who have experience with adcenter, Does adcenter have an auto trademark filter? I put up an adgroup with trademarks as keywords and it was approved by Adcenter's reviewers and is in active status... but the ad does not trigger. Could it be the reviewers are allowing the ads (possibly...
  3. productionhead


    so I went to sleep at 1am, woke up at 5am. went back to sleep and woke up at 9am. went to my computer to see if my programmer was on (hes in a different timezone so i need to be on at diff times...) then i went back to sleep I was like let me sleep for like 5 minutes then I don't know wtf...
  4. productionhead

    International Affiliate Marketing (Non-English Speaking)

    Does anyone have any experience marketing through search (paid and organic) to international markets? In this case, I speak of countries in Europe such as Italy, France, Germany. I registered with today. They have hundreds of similar offers you see here on US affiliate markets, but...
  5. productionhead

    Domain capitalization or not

    I found that having lower cased display URLs in PPC ads yields higher CTRs in google search. Whats everyone else strategy on this? (the SERPs have urls that are never capitalized, when i started off with a campaign i had one adgroup to MyDomainLikeThis.Co.UK, then I made another adgroup and...
  6. productionhead

    Social media controversy and linkbaiting service

    Controversy is the essence of link bait. If you are looking for more links and more exposure for your site or for your clients then let me work with you. I will come up with the link bait (whether it be an article or an image or a video) and I will create the controversy. It will hit the front...
  7. productionhead

    recommend sales/marketing books

    have a flight soon so anyone wanna recommend any good books? or literary fiction
  8. productionhead

    Bidding on trademarked terms.

    I have a special question for bidding on trademarked terms. Anyone have experience on bidding on trademark A for company B, while the company that owns trademark A and company B are the same affiliate network? They both specialize in the same product.
  9. productionhead

    Facebook Ads suggested bid price

    When creating a facebook ad campaign, cpc model, initially facebook suggests a bidprice.. for example: Facebook Bid Price Suggestion: 0.64-0.85 How accurate is this when you are adjusting your bids ? For example... Facebook says $1... you use $0.70 and that ends up being profitable.. And...
  10. productionhead

    Whats the fastest you rank for 3 word + terms?

    Whats the fastest you rank for 3 words + terms? Such as keyword keyword keyword Just figured out a way - 38 minutes. popular terms too :) and im talking about GOOG
  11. productionhead

    Pop Labs and their SEO rapper (Poetic Prophet)

    im sure you've seen these rap videos about SEO, SEM, link building, ppc, etc: YouTube - Design Coding my question is does this guy actually work in the industry or is he just hired by Pop Labs to rap to these videos i mean wtf? you gotta be fucking wierd to rap about these topics
  12. productionhead

    Help create the WickedFire wikipedia page

    Wickedfire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  13. productionhead

    Memorial Day Boobs

  14. productionhead

    Anyone here blaze?

    Does anyone here light up any cannabis for stimulation of creative thought? Discuss.:anon.sml:
  15. productionhead

    Indian American Affiliate Marketer Lists Ways To Pretend To Be French

    How to Pass off as a French Person | Super Affiliate Mindset @ #9 good thing im not amit's friend :rasta:
  16. productionhead


  17. productionhead

    why is fag a derogatory term

    i mean i like saying U'RE A FAG its just fun!
  18. productionhead


    What if 100 of the best thinkers and innovators on this board came together to launch one startup? what can we createz? /epic phail/
  19. productionhead

    selling captcha solvers

    anyone here interested in buying captcha solvers for pop. services? msg me
  20. productionhead