Search results

  1. transistor

    I think I fucked up...

    So, I recently coverted my sole proprietorship into an s-corp. I did this because the CPA that did my estimated taxes told me that if I ran as an s-corp, I could pay myself a small wage and pay the rest as dividends, which wouldn't be subject to the 15% self-employment tax. He also claimed I...
  2. transistor

    i need an ad posted in every city on craigslist

    the ad is the same for every city, except the name of the city in each ad changes. name your price.
  3. transistor

    So, I finally incorporated and got a new EIN...

    Looking for some advice from people that have done this before. Will I have to create new accounts at all the places that pay me or can I just update my information? I'd rather just update the information, because I have accounts with a couple dozen companies. If I do just update my...
  4. transistor

    Pay Per Call

    I didn't see a thread on this topic yet. I'm sure most of you got an email from commission junction about the paypercall demo at What are your thoughts on this? Do you think these will convert using newspaper ads?
  5. transistor

    what kind of monthly search volume for a certain 2-word keyword...

    would you need before it makes sense to buy the 2-word keyword domain and make a small site? i've been finding a lot available domains with 15,000 monthly searches. i'm wondering it's worth pursuing..
  6. transistor

    Quarterly Estimated Taxes

    So, I just recently found out that I'm supposed to be paying my taxes quarterly since I'm a sole proprietor. I tried to read the directions on the IRS website and it's making my head spin. Does anyone here do this on their own? I don't really want to spend money to talk to an accountant...
  7. transistor

    Credit Card Industry Aims to Profit From Sterling Payers

    NYT: Responsible card users may pay more - The New York Times- "Banks are expected to look at reviving annual fees, curtailing cash-back and other rewards programs and charging interest immediately on a purchase instead of allowing a grace period of weeks, according to bank officials...
  8. transistor

    Question about using domain variations for referrals

    If I were to register a domain like, for example, and redirect that to ebay using my referral link, could I get in trouble? I know ebay would find out right away, but with smaller, less experienced companies, is this something I could get away with? could I be sued for trademark...
  9. transistor

    Question about using domain variations for referrals

    If I were to register a domain like, for example, and redirect that to ebay using my referral link, could I get in trouble? I know ebay would find out right away, but with smaller, less experienced companies, is this something I could get away with? could I be sued for trademark...
  10. transistor

    Unemployment question

    I would post in the other thread relating to this topic, but it was closed. I was laid off recently and have since started making quite a bit of money online. Am I still able to apply for unemployment benefits? I am now making more money online than I was working as an engineer. Should I...
  11. transistor

    I need some advice on graduate school...

    I got banned from my regular forum, so I'm going post the question here. You guys probably have more wisdom anyway. I'm going to grad school next fall to get an masters degree in engineering. This probably sounds like an obvious question, but I'm having a hard time deciding.. Should I pay...
  12. transistor

    Sorry, your account has been disabled.

    I just got this message while trying to log into Gmail. I'm about to freak out because I use this email address for everything. Plus, my sole source of income is from Adsense. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm hoping it's just a temporary glitch...
  13. transistor

    Tax question

    Sorry for the noob question... I've been making most of my money from Adsense. Only recently have I started paying for ads. Am I able to deduct my ad purchasing expenses from my revenue? If not, doesn't that make determining if a campaign is profitable or not a little harder?
  14. transistor

    Affiliate programs with customizable widgets?

    I know Amazon and Ebay have customizable ad widgets. Any other ones?
  15. transistor

    Robert Reich on Stimulus: White Males Need Not Apply

    Hot Air Blog Archive Video: No stimulus money for white males
  16. transistor

    Strange Adsense Issue

    I'm reposting this from the traffic & content subforum because I didn't get any replies and this is still driving me crazy... So I have a blog-like website where I'd post widget games from Above the widget, I had a small block of adsense ads. I had been doing this for a couple...
  17. transistor

    WTB: Yahoo Publisher Account

    or tips on how to get accepted...
  18. transistor

    Are there any legal liabilities of being an affiliate to a pharamcy?

    such as - Open your own online pharmacy ?
  19. transistor

    Just starting out...

    Well, I've been lurking this forum for a few weeks and I've finally been prompted to post. You see, it looks as though there is a 50% chance I'll be laid off from my job in the coming weeks. I'm pretty fresh out of college, so it's really not that big of a deal. I think I'd like to try earning...