Search results

  1. transistor

    iframe question

  2. transistor

    does this piss you off?

    We are the 1 percent: We stand with the 99 percent all of these people feel guilty about inheriting money, apparently. i'd like to see how they'd feel if they earned it.
  3. transistor

    starwood vs. plum

    what's the better card? now that plum is only 1.5%, starwood is looking a little more attractive to me.
  4. transistor

    Let's talk about becoming a franchise owner

    I have no experience in this area. Hopefully some of you do. Discuss.
  5. transistor

    Cease and desist letter from another country?

    I got my first C&D letter (email) today. The guy is from New Zealand and I'm in the US. Can he take legal action against me? He wrote: "Please also take this email as a formal cease and desist. Your site, it's owners and related parties are forbidden to host or associate themselves with any...
  6. transistor

    quick ht access question

    How would I go about redirecting to've tried a few ways, but none seem to work. I think the http:// in the third domain might...
  7. transistor

    quick htaccess question

    How would I go about redirecting to I've tried a few ways, but none seem to work. I think the http:// in the third domain...
  8. transistor

    Where do you buy health insurance?

    I just graduated so I no longer have health insurance through my school. I'm looking for an individual health insurance plan. All I've found is and there's not much of a selection on there..
  9. transistor

    Denver or Boston, where should I move?

    I need to make a decision soon, but I'm having trouble. If you have any experience living in these cities, tell me about it.
  10. transistor

    Graduating in a week and I'm completely lost

    So, I'm 27 years old and I'm just about to finish up a master's degree in engineering. I'm really having trouble deciding what to do next... The two biggest issues are deciding if I should look for a job and where to live. After undergrad, I worked for 2 years and hated every minute of it. I...
  11. transistor

    Reducing taxable income of an s-corp

    Quick question... I was supposed to meet with my CPA to get some ideas before I meet with my financial advisor tomorrow, but I kind of forgot about it. Can you guys list a couple ideas so I don't look like a complete retard? I know my CPA mentioned once that I could start like a 401k plan for...
  12. transistor

    My dad wants to make internet monies...

    Whenever I see him, he asks me to teach him how to make money online so he can retire earlier. When I tell him he doesn't have the experience to do it, he gets pretty offended. The extent of his computer knowledge is emailing, downloading spyware, and playing solitaire. I can't think of anything...
  13. transistor

    Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care - Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care
  14. transistor

    For those of you with S-corps...

    What percentage of earnings do you give yourself in salary and what percentage in dividends/disbursements (not sure the correct term) is 55/45 asking for an audit?
  15. transistor

    Random affiliate ad for my website?

    I don't exactly know the correct terminology for what I'm looking for... I have a website and I'm currently using Kitara as my default ad server, which as far as I can tell, is just an aggregator of a bunch of different ad servers. I see ads for teeth whitening, weight loss, game downloads...
  16. transistor

    Quick question about taxes and the new year

    I'm confused... So a company paid just paid me (in 2010) for Dec. 2009's earnings. I'm sure the earnings will show up on 2009's 1099. I run as an s-corp. How do I take that money out of my bank account now that it's 2010? Won't paying myself a salary or dividend affect 2010's taxes? Yes, I...
  17. transistor

    Investing money that's sitting in a business account?

    Probably a dumb question... I started an S-corp and I only pay myself about 1/6 of what I make. The rest just sits in the business bank account. The thought was that I could just spread my payments out over more years to reduce my tax rate, should this online money making thing not last forever...
  18. transistor

    Do you think something like this is worth going to?

    Successful Internet Marketing in 3 Easy Steps - Silicon Valley - Stanford Web Consortium (Stanford, CA) - or will it be full of digitalpoint members?
  19. transistor

    check out this flyer i saw on campus

    AM going mainstream, lol
  20. transistor

    Quick business deduction question

    It's too late to call my CPA and I want to order a phone tonight. If I run as an S-corp, is there any problem getting a phone in my name but paying for it and the wireless plan with the business credit card? I get a student discount if I get a personal account with the wireless company, but then...