Search results

  1. J

    Copeac Banned Me-- WTF

    I'm a newb to affilate marketing, so I went with FB ads. Started a campaign, alota testing ($400) over 5 days for one offer. I earned $100 in comissions, until I they were scrubbed and I was banned. After I noticed ~$100 in commissions missing from my account, I contacted me AM. The commissions...
  2. J

    WP [insert date] plugin

    I am looking for a WP plugin that inserts the current date in WP. Using it for a landing page would let the reader know the offer runs out in 2 hours. So I am posting this on 8/12/09 at 4pm My LP would say: "Hurry! Offer expires 8/12/09 at 6pm!)" Or I could change the expiry time to...
  3. J

    Newb asking for PPC direction-

    I've learned the basics of making keyword lists... This should help noobs, but most people will understand where i'm going with this.... I can target long tail keywords and can make lists thousands of keyword phrases long in less than a day... Well now, I could do it in 10 minutes However, I...