Search results

  1. whackamule

    Wordpress plugin to upload images

    I haven't posted here in a while and am not sure if this is the right forum. I'm looking for a plugin to do a Pinterest-style function so a user can upload an image using a URL (or potentially uploading from their machine), input a title and upload directly into a new post on a wordpress blog...
  2. whackamule

    Not a noob, but a noob SEO tracking question

    I'm pretty new to the SEO world. How can I track what google keyword was clicked on to get to my lander? I use P202 and with adwords/facebook/anyone I put in the variable name at the end of the link I use int he ad. But for organic search, how do I determine what keyword the user clicked on? I...
  3. whackamule

    Is this a commercial?

    If you ever questioned whether or not the general public has knowledge about when they are being marketed to, I recently had a discussion with some people about the following youtube vid and they were unsure if it was real. Several people (and these are not people you would consider dumb, just...