Recent content by VinSVT

  1. VinSVT

    Rich Dad Books?

    I've never read any of them but stumble upon the site today... very interested. Just curious how many people here actually recomend them?
  2. VinSVT

    Two Soccer/Football Games Today

    Germany vs. Argentina and Italy vs. Ukraine Hmmm... I really dont know who to take on the first one. Its going to be a close game if you ask me... I'll take Italy on the second one :p So glad this is back on! Been bored!
  3. VinSVT

    Problem with a site...

    Have a new site that I registered a few days back... hosted it... having some problems with it. - doesn't work - works Anyone have any ideas?
  4. VinSVT

    Post #600 Thread #50!

    :D :D :D I'm finshed. First to finsh that contest! Wooo! With an extra 100 posts to spare!
  5. VinSVT

    Adword Vouchers

    What did these do? To my knowledge they are expired now? Will they be releasing new ones?
  6. VinSVT

    How rare are Google Analytics invites?

    I signed up... never got in. Do people sell/trade invites? Whats the going rate?
  7. VinSVT

    Internet scavenger hunt via Google Interesting site... think google will be happy with it though?
  8. VinSVT

    One thing I love about this site...

    Its so easy to remeber where things are. Back on Sitepoint I would read something at work then go home and try to find it... but I could never remeber what is was under due to the fact they have like 298295802 different sub-forums. Please dont add to many more!
  9. VinSVT

    Huge price cuts on AMD processors to come...

    Some damn good deals here. I'll still wait for Core 2 (Conroe). Intel has already said they will still be cheaper than these prices. AMD is fucked. They are trying to undersell while they can. :(
  10. VinSVT

    Hints & Tips for a first time Blogger?

    Have any? Post them here... I'd like to hear them Also, common first time mistakes?
  11. VinSVT

    What classes have you taken to help you with programming?

    I'm getting ready to enroll for next semester.. I've never taken anything to serious, always learned online or what not... Anyone taken anything that they really put to use?
  12. VinSVT

    Up PM box to 100?

    I use PM's a lot... dont really like to delete them. Maybe something that could be included in the premium section? Or with the Sub.
  13. VinSVT

    DMOZ even worth submitting to?

    Seems like the odds of getting in are slim to none... Also haven't heard of anyone having any luck in like months.
  14. VinSVT

    Can affiliates really get in trouble for...

    Pills, Porn and Casinos? If you run a website directly for promoting these sites can you actually get in trouble for it?
  15. VinSVT

    I hate having a slow registrar.

    Used dreamhost because I had a few free ones... been like 4 days. I want to work on these websites so bad. :(