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  • READ: who own's the future - Stanford Seminar - Who Owns the Future - YouTube
    one of the best roundtables i've come across recently Big Data, Big Challenges and Big Opportunities - YouTube
    study up on your Masters of Deception, on your Terence Mckenna and Rupert Sheldrake and Jeron Lanier and you'll start to get who unagi is. I presume you are a PKD obessive, Have read Neuromancer, at very least are familiar with Warp Records and think that Ray Kurzweil is a raving lunatic at this point. Though I once was a fan hes a dscary ass nutball. watch TEDxSF - Jaron Lanier - You Are Not a Gadget - YouTube , Jaron Lanier: Why Facebook Isn't Free - YouTube, yeah facebook and google have turned bad - making money off them isnt good enough. its time to turn them over.... then get in touch :)
    you miss me? yes i haven't been around for a while - not cause I don't love you all, just been a year of deep trench warfare (plus my account wasnt working.... dont ask... my dumb). shoot me pm or if you know my other contact info you can try - no promises i practically dont use phone or email anymore... focus requires less distraction, success requires extreme focus. or so they say
    Hi there. I'm a non recovering domain addict. Domains are one of my major weaknesses ones with big fat age and link profiles
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