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  • I'd like to join ads4dough, applied last week. Still waiting though, if you can help that'd be great, thanks.
    ads4dough is a great company... had an issue with a product but the company in question went belly up anyways.... so now no problem!!!
    Hello Smaxor,

    I'm in the process of applying to ads4dough. John didn't answer me now but i'll get his approval soon.

    I'm writing you cause i found a post were you recommended a newbie to join a closed circle group for a nominal fee... I'm an affiliate for 8 years now (adult mostly, going mainstream for the past year). Got a place like that you can recommend me? I don't know any of those closed forums.

    Hey there,

    My Name is Mindao (Alex) Chen. I signed up for Ads4Dough about a week ago and still havent heard back about being accepted yet. Is there anyway you could help me? I have been in interenet marketing for about 3 years now although ive been on a break recently due to google slappages. I was doing about 30k a month with Azoogle back during my peak. Anyways, if you could accept me into your network that would be great. Thanks,

    -Alex Chen

    PS. My Email is
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