Recent content by (O_o)

  1. (O_o)

    Piwik Analytics Community Survey 2017 If you use Piwik pls take the time to fill out this survey and shit. It helps the community. :321:
  2. (O_o)

    ( o Y o )

  3. (O_o)

    Our target audience

  4. (O_o)

    Google AdSense spying

    Google Adsense Spying
  5. (O_o)

    Spamming Tinder

    How-to 101: 1. Create a bunch of bot profiles complete with multiple profile images and a description. 2. Wait for guys to swipe right on profile. Then your bot sends them a phone number and message. "Heya {profile name}! I'm new in town and kinda bored. You free tomorrow? idk about today. txt...
  6. (O_o)

    .htaccess examples

    just sharing this bc I thought some could find it useful. Feel free to add any you think others could use! Rewrite a domain alias to subfolder of target site: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/subdomain/.*...
  7. (O_o)

    All US Home Depots hacked.

    If you have been to Home Depot in the past ~6 months, I would suggest you have your debit or CC card canceled and reissued. You can goto Just a...
  8. (O_o)

    TIL that some companies and developers use humans.txt (lol)
  9. (O_o)

    Hack Back

    Ever heard of FinFisher? No? A really great doc that was posted online 7 days ago. Thought I would share. #HTP Doc: 40 gig torrent For you crackers
  10. (O_o) has been down all day #fail - Their summer interns must be fucking shit up like no0bs.
  11. (O_o)

    FBI MoneyPak Lander

    hxxp:// (still live) lelz @ this. Smells like some .ru friends behind it. The script and code behind it are sorta cool. Thought I would share and archive this here on WF. I bet a lot of stupid ppl fall for this sadly. Looks like they are paying for PPC ads and then...
  12. (O_o)

    Malaysian Airlines Boing777 Shot Down Near Shakhtersk Donetsk oblast Ukraine

    280+ passengers and crew dead. BREAKING Malaysian Airlines Boing777 Shot Down Near Shakhtersk Donetsk oblast Ukraine,July17 - YouTube
  13. (O_o)

    Large FB page owners [Question] Algo shift//update?

    Have any of you seen a surge in organic FB likes to your pages? While FB reach has reached new levels of sucking dick, its still an interesting update imo I have a fan page that has been sitting pretty dormant until this past month when it gained 20k new Likes, all free, organically. Gaining...
  14. (O_o)

    Great ad. Using internet fame//memes [Video]

    OVERLY ATTACHED GIRLFRIEND FINDS NEW CAR. AND IT COULD BE YOURS. - YouTube I totally salute this chick for making the most of her internet fame. I think in the future we will see more and more companies using famous things from the internet in their ads.
  15. (O_o)

    Internet Trends in 2014 Great read and some good info. Mobile is teh future bros.:2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :cool-smiley-008: