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  • I'm have still not had any problems with this. I think the fact that two of the accounts have $50 daily limits and I never even spend on them anyways is what doesn't bother them.

    The thing is I would think they would have a system that would flag it as well. I have learned on thing in the last few months, never under estimate facebooks incomptence.
    "I have my main account with the high daily budget running my profitable stuff. I have 2 other accounts with tiny daily limits I run tests in. I only really do this because there are so many damn ads in my main one it's a bitch to scroll through. My two small accounts use the same credit and address as the main one. I run legit offers not desperately trying to get scammy products though so I'm simply not someone facebook slaps.

    I have a number of other accounts to just do research on competition."

    Interesting...sounds like a good system.

    What I can't understand is how you can have 3 different accounts with the same name, address, and CC# on them...and not get flagged by the system. I would think once you signed up with that same CC#, the system would stop you right there.

    You haven't had any problems with this?
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