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  • Hey Mark, I've noticed that the smart people grow quiet here but don't go away. (Unless you count Guerilla) The idiots, however, are blossoming like it's WaFo these days.

    Sadly, no, there isn't a 'general internet' forum I know of that's any better. Maybe facebook a bit. I do spend some time on Bitcointalk though; there's some general talk in there but it's mainly bitcoin talk afterall. I'll stick around here and grow more quiet too I suppose... It's getting hard putting up with all this juvenile crap.
    Hey Luke,
    I was fed up with WF a long time ago. For some reason I started reading again. Didn't post for a while, but posted a few times recently. What a waste. It's dominated by retards who get their kicks from juvenile attacks. Like the thread you just started. I commented with some actual stuff that is happening in Thailand, stuff that will ensure the story you posted gets buried. Everybody else posts retarded crap. Do you know of any decent forums where people discuss "internet stuff" without all this garbage?
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