Recent content by joe

  1. J


    I laughed when I saw that.
  2. J

    Regexp & PERL Newbie

    I'm a regexp and PERL newbie, and I'm making a site scrapper. So, I have this code: $agent->{content} =~ m!<b>UD\: </b>\s+?(\w+?)</td>!; I'm trying to scrape the 1.98-SE out the following: <td> <b>UD: </b> 1.98-SE </td> What have I done wrong? I'm pretty sure once I see how it's done...
  3. J

    Learn about your PC with Judy

  4. J

    String Cheese

    String Cheese is the shit. I especially like the Mozzarella.
  5. J

    Contract of Wifely Expectations

    Sicko Marriage Contract One For The Ages - February 17, 2006 He gets very specific.
  6. J


    How I hate them. :mad:
  7. J

    Office Space - The Thriller
  8. J

    Mod_rewrite Question

    I want to change URLs like to with mod_rewrite. I want to change all uppercase letters to lowercase. I would like to 301 the old to the new. Thanks. :338:
  9. J

    Cool Sig Banners?

    Where are you guys getting those cool banners? Like Mouse User, Porn User, Wicked Fire user etc.?
  10. J

    Before you die

    What would you like to do before you are interred in the earth? I would like to go on a whaling expedition.
  11. J

    Don't go looking for random sex on craigslist...

    or you might pwned. I saw this on reddit: Summary: This guy wrote a post on the Seattle Craigslist casual encounters forum pretending to be a woman who desperately wanted some action, and (s)he received over 180 responses within 24 hours...
  12. J

    Beef Jerky

    is the shit. Agree? If you disagree :321:
  13. J

    Funny Videos

    I found these two funny (NSFW) Spong Bong Hemp pants What are some other good ones?
  14. J

    Best slam

    What's the greatest put down phrase eva? I like sidekick's "up yours and rotate it", but it's not the best ever.
  15. J

    Post your desktop

    Take a screenshot and shows us what you got.