Recent content by eraflicker

  1. E

    COVID anxiety

    Hi, We are doing an online campaign and we currently use SEO tools however, because of the new COVID Variants, our sales dramatically went down and we receive lesser traffics. I'm stressed with the figures-financially & not. Our ROI is one of my concern too. I'm getting hopeless that we will...
  2. E

    Hosting and Domain App?

    Hello! Do you know of a free website hosting aside from Bluehost and SiteGround. The two works perfectly fine but, I want to explore others. Can you recommend me based on you what you use and experience. Thanks!
  3. E

    Difficulties That You are Dealing With

    I am really experiencing challenges when it comes to writing good content on my website. it is a new personal site, and I am not an expert content writer. And I am beginning to be discouraged. For beginner writers there, do you also feel the same? Do you also have this difficulty?
  4. E

    Spring or Summer Breather

    Hi everyone :D Going off-topic for a bit - I wish this is the correct forum section to post. Guys, what breathers do you do or have or plan to do this Spring or Summer season to at least be able to relax a bit amidst this pandemic and other stuff around? Your thoughts is really damn needed :D
  5. E

    Seeing posts triggers my anxiety...

    Hi, Apology to go off topic for a bit. I just wanted to release how I feel... Last 2 weeks ago, I deactivated a few of my social media accounts. I feel so small and I couldn't help but compare myself with all the achievements of the people in my feed. It just led me to feel it. Others may tell...
  6. E

    Too much stress, thoughts please ;(

    Hey guys, How is everyone? I hope all is going well with you guys. I wonder how do you handle stress and anxiety brought about by this pandemic, and at the same time maintain your composure at work? I, myself don't feel good, I feel frustrated and irritated. Got so much problem going on. I...
  7. E

    Covid-19 and Its Impact to Marketing

    Guys, Did Covid-19 had a impact on your Marketing Strategy? How great is the impact and what measures are you doing about it? Thoughts dear Marketers? Thanks!
  8. E

    Wordpress or Own Website

    Hi guys, Newbie to this whole new arena of website, marketing and SEO thingy. I wanted to start to do some content writing or blogging as they say. And a few acquaintance advised me to use Wordpress as a starter then eventually have my own website if it is already in good shape. Then also a...