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  • all current orders are in progress smoothly, will open new thread in day or two :)

    any one want to know their order status they can PM me here or ping me any time in skype, i will respond in 1 to 3 hours, (maximum 24 to 36 hours if not in hometown)
    Came from wedding sending the lots of more reports that are completed, right now 150+ orders are in progress
    I am going out of the town for wedding ceremony For three days from 7th feb to 9 Feb, will come back on Monday morning, All current works are in progress. and staff is working on it, all new orders also welcome, all works are completed in TAT.
    Thanks all for giving repeat order as always no mater thread is open or closed

    Lots of more orders are completed, will send that reports after 24 hours, new thread will be live in 12 hours
    Thanks all for giving repeat order as always :) no mater thread is open or closed :)

    Lots of more orders are completed, will send that reports after 48 hours, going out for 2 day for cousins Engagement.
    will open new thread again after current works are completed.
    ALways you can place new orders no matter thread is opened or closed
    Sending about 20 reports today :) sorry for delay if their :), due to very large number of quantities it taking more time on sending reports :D all works are in progress :)
    All old orders are in progress smoothly.
    Any one want to know their order status just Pm me, or i am available on skype almost all the time for fast response :)
    will opening new thread in current week, you can place order using closed thread as well.

    order form is same in all the thread
    current thread is closed, will reopen new one after a week, right now thread are only open for 10 days instead of 15 days, and rate is $122 for that, so will open new thread after taking some time, to complete all current orders in hand, majority of clients are on skype from their they give repeat orders.
    no matter thread is open or closed, you can place new orders using order form in thread.

    PM me or skype me
    I always create new thread once old one is closed, but right now about 200+ orders in hand so not opened new thread yet, all of my clients can send me PM's ,Skypee or emails for new orders and old orders updates.
    You can place orders if threads are closed.

    Will open new thread in next week
    All current orders are in progress, will send all of you PMS one by one after work completed.
    You can ping me on skype any time for updates on your work,
    Not opened new thread due to got bulk order of 200+ combo pack A, will open new thread in 2 to three days
    For recent few orders likes are dropped for facebook fanpages. dont worry, just PM us and we will redo the work.
    Also i am going out for two days the today and tomorrow for taking my wife and a daughter of 3 months old :) from their place, (they are on my father in law place, gone for the delivery their) their place is in vilage, so no network their, so dont worry, i will reply all emails, PMs after 48 hours from now, till 7 hours more when i leave the place
    out for two days, all current work is in progress, and new orders will start in 48 hours from now, you will get auto confirmation for all orders.
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