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  • hello sorry for delay in starting order, Their is heavy rain and storm here so since three days their is no electricity
    all current orders will start in 18 hours from now
    busy in family function(Shifting to new House), will back to work on 24th April, all current orders are in progress, just not sending any reports for 3 days. You can ask about your order status any time here or on skypee, i will reply back asap. (max 24 hours )
    new thread are going to live in 24 hours :),
    all current orders are in progress smoothly. over 50 orders are in progress and about 20+ orders reports are going out tomorrow.

    Thanks for huge response to the service since years now. soon their will be 50th thread for social signals services.
    New thread are going to live on 2th Nov
    All current orders are in progress, i am going out for 2 days 31th oct and 1st nov.

    Work is in progress and staff is working on it, due to less availability of internet will reply back to you from 2nd nov. (will try to reply before that as well as soon as i get some connectivity )
    New thread are going to live on 15th aug
    Lots of orders are completed, just delay in sending reports due to some shifting of office and house.
    New Thread Going to Live on 2nd Aug
    Going out of town for 36 hours from now,
    Online from mobile will reply as soon as i get internet connectivity or as usual coming back in 36 hours
    Lots of orders are already completed need to send the reports, and more orders are about to finish just need to verify and completed little bit work that are pending

    All new orders are welcome. you can place orders from any of our thread
    Going out of town for 24 hours from now,
    online from mobile will reply as soon as i get internet connectivity or as usual coming back in 24 hours :)

    All new orders are welcome.
    we are back, and working on lots of bulk orders that are received.
    Lots of new orders also received.
    Sending lots of more reports in next 48 hours.
    Right now orders in progress excluding bulk orders are : 36+

    New thread will be live on 17th or 18th.
    All current orders are in progress smoothly as always :)
    Going out for two days holiday, lots of orders are completed, will send all reports after two days On 14th May will returning.

    Their is no Internet coverage, so will reply to any pm or skype etc, as soon as i get connectivity.
    Any one want to place new orders can place it using any of our thread.
    New Thread will be live on 14th may
    All current orders are in progress smoothly,
    any one want to place order, can place it using any of our thread

    New thread will be live in 24 to 72 hours
    All current orders are in progress smoothly,
    Due to bulk orders in hand will open new thread on 16th april.

    any one want to place order, can place it using any of our thread
    All current orders are in progress smoothly, sending lots of more reports in next 36 hours, and due to lots of bulk orders in progress, will open new thread on 24th march (monday),
    As all threads are contains same order from, and one want to order can place orders directly from any of our thread
    working on all current orders, lots of orders are finished, completing their reports :) after that in 1 day or two days new thread will be live :p
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