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  • Hey, thanks for the reply in the iPhone thread.

    Ok, this is what I would need. If you go to iTunes and do a search on Birdingnews there should only be the one app shows up, its called Birding News :). If you could buy it, then leave it for a few days before you rate it and just give it a couple of lines review, something like:

    "Cool birding app, and great when you use it with the website. Loads of bird data to view, and I can see it being good when you have a fair bit of your own data on there as well. Pretty unique."

    We're trying to stay under the radar, and don't want to go too over the top, a 3 - 5 star rating would be good. Also could you vote down the 1 star rating we got from some tosser!

    Send me your paypal if this sounds good to you and I'll send payment up front. If you have more than one device you want to do this on then let me know.


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