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  • Hey man... I am sorry for not being in touch. I had a fucking TON of offline issues to deal with and it kept me in a non-creative mood for a long time. I was looking at the WPbacklinks script a week ago, I gave it a little testing run and the results did indeed appear in SERPs, but the bad thing is that the Webalizer stat pages seem not to have outgoing links to the refering pages anymore (the URL is there, its just not an active link). Example here:

    Usage Statistics for ask-real-estate-listings.com - January 2009

    (search for "dailyfitlife", i did 200 request to this page and it shows there, its just not an active link).

    Do you think its still usable with this shit going on?

    figured it out...

    $headerPostQuery = new WP_Query();
    while($headerPostQuery->have_posts()) : $headerPostQuery->the_post();
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