WickedFire lose weight and get ripped thread (2015 edition)


New member
Jan 21, 2011
It is that time of year again. Fatasses in front of computers must lose weight and get ripped.

Anyone up for some friendly competition?

I want to drop 5 kgs in 3 months, not a huge task, but all motivation helps.

Current weight is 96kg and goal weight is 90kg (yes, I'm a big mofo). I'd also like to be able to clean and press 100kg this year. And finding some methods to workout while in the office.

Lets hear the fitness goals of WF. I won't let this thread die, even if that means posting incredibly mundane progress reports.

You have to ask yourself one thing though: Do you even lift bro?

Try intermittent fasting and eating paleo. That will help you lose weight. Exercise will build muscles but it's not an effective way of losing weight.

It is reasonable to assume that persons with relatively high daily energy expenditures would be less likely to gain weight over time, compared with those who have low energy expenditures. So far, data to support this hypothesis are not particularly compelling - American Heart Association and American College of Sports Medicine

That hypothesis has been around for about 150 years and still the evidence is not particularly compelling.
This is a pretty well timed thread for me - I started working with a personal trainer last week and I've very quickly gone from not really working out at all to working out 3-4 times/week.

My weight was 154lbs and my body fat percentage was 14.5% when I did my first weigh in last week; I'll be increasing the first number and decreasing the second number. No specific goal besides getting in much better shape, but I'll also update my progress.
I'm your huckleberry.

I'm currently @ 221 lbs. I will be at 165 lbs before the end of May, and I'll post pics for proof, along with weekly updates.
I am in. I am only 5 feet 9 inches tall and have put on a lot of excessive weight in the last 5 to 6 months. I am currently 91 Kgs (been trying to lose some weight in the last 20 to 30 days and have lost about 3 kgs (used to be 94 Kgs)). Presently it's not my aim to get ripped but to lose the excessive weight. My target is to get into the 70 to 75 Kgs range in the next 5 to 6 months.

I won't take any pics and post them here but I will update the thread with my progress.

Thanks for the thread, another reason to lose the excessive weight I have put on.
I am also in, I have been working out from last 5 years or so. Never been so regular and consistent though but from last 3 months i am lifting weights regularly.I am 93 Kgs ATM and My Goal will be to get shredded by reducing 5-6 kgs of Fat and gaining some lean mass by the End of this year.
Exercise will build muscles but it's not an effective way of losing weight.

Since they do need more energy than fat tissue for example, it still might help with a diet that is good for fat loss. Calories might not matter that much if your metabolism is adapted, but you do need to expend more energy than you take in.

I've been trying intermittent fasting for a few days and calorie reduced on the days i don't fast and seem to have lost several kilos already in the last couple of months. If you are in ketosis and fasting, a pound per day appears to be feasible to me.

Fuck all that "Oh, i'm gonna lose 1KG per month, and someday i will weigh 5KG less!!!" bullshit. Losing weight should not be your biggest dream. Getting slim isn't winning the nobel price.

I'd slowly reduce carb intake for the next 1-2 weeks down to 30-50g daily, eat more fat instead and do some cardio first thing in the morning. If you then go on a intermittent fasting protocol like leangains, 50:2, bulletproof Rapid fat loss etc you WILL see resullts.

You can reach your goal in a month!

Disclaimer: Not a medical professional, rapid fat loss and ketosis can be problematic for some, do your own research.
Since they do need more energy than fat tissue for example, it still might help with a diet that is good for fat loss. Calories might not matter that much if your metabolism is adapted, but you do need to expend more energy than you take in.

I've been trying intermittent fasting for a few days and calorie reduced on the days i don't fast and seem to have lost several kilos already in the last couple of months. If you are in ketosis and fasting, a pound per day appears to be feasible to me.

Fuck all that "Oh, i'm gonna lose 1KG per month, and someday i will weigh 5KG less!!!" bullshit. Losing weight should not be your biggest dream. Getting slim isn't winning the nobel price.

I'd slowly reduce carb intake for the next 1-2 weeks down to 30-50g daily, eat more fat instead and do some cardio first thing in the morning. If you then go on a intermittent fasting protocol like leangains, 50:2, bulletproof Rapid fat loss etc you WILL see resullts.

Gary Taubes had a good explanation of why exercise and eating less makes it hard to lose weight. Imagine a friend is inviting you over to dinner. The dinner will be made by top chefs in the world. He asks you to bring your appetite.

What would you probably do? You'd probably skip a snack or lunch. You might do some exercise. The two things that so-called medical professionals tell fatties to do to lose weight (exercise, eat less) actually increase hunger.

If you're hungrier and eat the same diet, you will not be successful. You need to eat fewer carbs. I lost 15 pounds over the last few months by just intermittent fasting and eating more paleo and I've done this maybe 65% of the time.
I love this new trend of people trying to say exercise won't help you lose weight. Interesting. And masturbating won't make you blind too. right?
I went from 95 kilo to 81 kilo in a year without doing any heavy exercise, without some idiotic diets, still eating what I want, no tabs, just few lifehacks I was ignoring for years.
All that at 180cm.
Now I eat anything I want, and still manage to stay around the same weight.
I have tried dieting - but most diets are difficult and prohibit you from eating anything cool.
For exercise I don't really have time.
So Hacker News came with help.

If anyone would like help just PM me and I will give you all the info.