Laptop Recommendations ?


Used Receptacle
Oct 30, 2008
Hey brothers

I would like to buy a laptop to maintain online business activities while on travel..

Apart from basic requirements ,i would want a laptop that can run many (10-12) applications at same time without speed issue or any others.

Ya guys have any suggestions?

My budget is about 1.5k :)

i'm all ears


I had Gateway that killed it for me and its not that expensive. You need to make sure your ram is high enough that you dont have speed problems. Just look some up you will find what you need.
xRumer or just a dumb Indian?

whatever you do, get a macbook. I love my air. Recently tested the pro series with retina display. These are sick too.
I went from an air to a pro-retina. Well worth the extra few $ IMO. As much as I look at screens that retina screen is a god send. Less squinting on the same size computer.
will move to a mac in a couple of weeks so yes mac is the best. I have a Dell XPS also and the XPS servies just rocks.
For me it's just the small things that make the macbooks worth the extra bucks compared to other laptops. The design is great, the battery life is great, etc. I usually just restart my air when I need some software updates. Other than that I just close the lid and open it when I need it and I can start right away. Also the power cord is so easy to use with the magnet thing clicking in right away. And the best part for me is the trackpad with the multi touch. Can't live without swiping from full screen to full screen. I have every program open in full screen and when I need to go to the desktop or evernote I just swipe with three fingers and I'm there. No minimizing bullshit anymore. And no noise, this is big too. Macbook and OSX are all about usability and i love it. Don't care if other laptops have a better processor or cost less.

I don't really know if the other companies have added features like that but I doubt they work as smooth as the macbook.
Also the power cord is so easy to use with the magnet thing clicking in right away.

As slick as they are they are engineered to break, which irritates me. On my 2nd power-cord for my 2011MBP & I have friends who have experienced the same. Also lack of HDMI, although I've now bought the adaptor.

I suppose it's less irritating and a lot cheaper than my brand new HP laptop which decided to break yesterday in spectacular fashion sustaining fuck all physical damage. The build quality of the Mac is just so much better. I prefer Windows for a lot of tasks and theres a much better selection of software but there is always boot camp.

In fact considering the machines age, I'm not sure I've ever gotten as much use from a laptop before. Still runs very quickly even if it's a bit louder and doesn't hold charge like it used to..

Haha. Came here to write a complaint, but apart from the charger there's nothing to really complain about, get a MBP.
Most digital nomads have Macbook Airs, for good reason. They look wonderful and they just work brilliantly.
inb4 poor people suggesting Dells.

Excuse me, I like my Dells... obviously, since I have 4 of them, because they keep breaking on me.

But I like them. More than enough resources for me (running Linux Mint and typing plain text code doesn't take much), nice thin & light design, large screen, they're fairly cheap @ say anywhere from $900 - $1300 and you have a nice Dell laptop, plus at home customer support is top-notch. Even in Thailand, takes less than 24 hours to have a new mother board in the computer free of charge, plus they come to your house to do it.

Almost more importantly though, they're kinda like disposable laptops. For example, if you feed your MacBook a whiskey and coke, you're going to be pissed off, right? Whereas if I feed mine a whiskey and coke, I don't really care... I just go down and grab a new one. No big deal.