Wolf Howl Hacked...

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Wow, that guy seems like a friend of mine. I need to hire him and get his ass onto our team. Guys that pull shit like that and make it public are always welcome here. Although what he's doing is pretty fucked up, you gotta hand it to him and give him kudos on his work if he makes it happen.

Seems like a serial killer for bloggers and seo people. High five to you my anonymous friend.
Didn't take long

WordPress 2.0.7 — 51 mins ago

Recently a bug in certain versions of PHP came to our attention that could cause a security vulnerability in your blog. We’re able to work around it fairly easily, so we’ve decided to release 2.0.7 to fix the PHP security problem and the Feedburner issue that was in 2.0.6. It is recommended that everyone running [...]
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