Acai promotion via MSN messenger spam

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Jun 15, 2007
London, UK
Yesterday I got this message via MSN messenger from a friend:

I've blanked out private details, including the URL being promoted.

And today I got another one of these messages from another friend. These guys obviously haven't written and sent these out themselves. This must be some viral MSN spam initiated by a trojan on the victims PC. I remember seeing these years ago, but I haven't seen them recently until now. The URL being promoted wasn't an affiliate landing page, it seemed to be a direct link to the merchant page (or it must have been a frame if promoted by an affiliate). Obviously this shit is shady as hell, and I wouldn't be suprised if it fell foul of CAN-SPAM law. If an affiliate is behind this, then this kind of crap is only going to exacerbate the problems the industry already has with the FTC.

I got similar on my YM since months ago.

There's two kind of message:
1. Check my pics ---> ask login ---> steal account
2. Using the stolen account ---> Spam acai acai acaaaaaai

Tell your friend to change their YM / MSN password.
My gf has been getting the same thing from 2 of her MSN contacts for a couple months now.
I got it too. Two of my friends sent me similar messages, since I'm still a noob I just assumed that I was behind the curve again.
Yeah, I've received a few of these as well.
I am done trying all the different fat burner pills out there. I finally found one pill that forces your body to drop a lot of weight very quickly. Its called Acai, costs just 5 dolars and I always order from
Sarah and Angie have both lost about 40 pounds each in just a few weeks, no diets no excercise just been taking those acai pills that Oprah had on her show. I been taking them now and dropped 27 pounds in just over 2 weeks. Get them now for only five dollars at
It's shady as hell, but they seem to be direct linking to the offer page; which is running a rip of popular affiliate offers. So I doubt there's anyone but the ripped advertisers that can do anything.
Damn these guys are kicking it old school, before you know you'll be recieving acai spam on IRC.
Damn these guys are kicking it old school, before you know you'll be recieving acai spam on IRC.

God no.

So if it doesn't go to an affiliate page, then does that mean the spammers are trying to fuck over the advertisers? Or is it a secret plot by the advertisers to make you think that they're the victims? Either way, whoever is behind this, is fucked.
Found out the domain with a quick google search, did a reverse ip lookup and these guys are promoting everything from replicas, online pharmacy, wang pills, and diet pills. The acai domains look like they're using a tunnel to hide the affiliate links.
Found out the domain with a quick google search, did a reverse ip lookup and these guys are promoting everything from replicas, online pharmacy, wang pills, and diet pills. The acai domains look like they're using a tunnel to hide the affiliate links.
Looks like a gang!
I just block stupid MSN buddies. If people dumb enough to get phished or download virus, I don't want to associate with them.
I've been getting them for a month or two now. It always gives me a laugh seeing them. Wonder if this kind of advertising would actually convert?
What do you do?

I was just informed by two people on my Microsoft Messenger list that they have been getting these messages from me. I'm not sure how to stop it, any suggestions? I use a Macbook Pro. Thanks!
Damnit... I am getting 30-50 messages a day from random people _not in my account_ spamming this stuff. That is pretty ridiculous considering I am blocking them whenever it happens...
i guess if you cant use blog/review landers all thats left is this spam? ive been seeing it a lot lately mainly for Acai and through email
I've been seeing growth in AIM / MSN spam these days, I usually go find where the offer is running and report it to the company. It gets obnoxious when I'm trying to do work and keep getting spammed with Google $ / Mobile / Acai offers.
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