Finding A Lawyer For Your Internet Business?

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
Do you guys rely on a regular business lawyer to handle any questions you have regarding your sites? Or do you look for attorneys that specifically work in the internet law area?

I'm in the process of looking for a local attorney to go over all my business stuff with and make sure my corporations are setup properly but I also want someone I can turn to for specific questions regarding my sites.

Shame you're not in NYC, I'd refer you to our lawyers. But they are pretty pricey, but hey, I happen to think they are worth every red cent.

The last invoice I got was for the Shoemoney C&D crap.

Under 2 hours = over $600.

You don't need a giant firm though, so you should definitely consider asking someone down in Miami for a recommendation of a fair but low priced lawyer, just to make sure he/she can explain things to you, or advise you on certain things that Florida requires. Also make sure you speak to an accountant on top of whatever the lawyer says, because they are two completely different areas of expertise, regardless of what some people may say about it.
How about an accountant? I'm looking for one either in the Capital Region of upstate NY (Albany, Troy, Saratoga, etc) or in NJ (I'll start working there in June).
Jon, do your guys know anything about "adult" law? I need to get some quick answers about something before purchasing a site. Email me, if you would, please.
How about an accountant? I'm looking for one either in the Capital Region of upstate NY (Albany, Troy, Saratoga, etc) or in NJ (I'll start working there in June).

Didn't your college professor in your business dept give you guys a recommended list? If not, you can always start off by asking family or friends that you respect, or know that they run a solid biz. Just asking them if they can refer their accountant and/or lawyer, or if they know of someone that can handle what you're looking for in your budget range. You can always try and negotiate with the actual accountant and/or lawyer in terms of pricing and payment. Maybe barter some online advertising services to them in exchange for a reduced price? But only do the barter negotiations AFTER you've used them for a while, so that you are comfortable with them and confident that you're going to stick with them.
Jon, do your guys know anything about "adult" law? I need to get some quick answers about something before purchasing a site. Email me, if you would, please.

All of the lawyers I know of that specifically represent clients in the online adult industry are pretty fucking pricey, around the $800/hr range. But that's because there are so few of them, so they can get away with that crazy pricing.

Hit me up on AIM.

Not everyone.. Just Mike. Phew!
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