Need Legal Help - Revenge Site

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Oct 10, 2010

I know I'm going to get flamed super hard for this because I have a low post count, but oh well.

Anyways I have a bunch of people coming after me for "Emotional Distress", "Defamatory", and other Tort laws I assume.

I run a revenge social media type site, which is growing at an exceptional rate. Basically what happens is lets say you have nude pictures of your Ex girlfriend and you guys have gone sour.

Well you then come to my site and fill out a submit form a long with their name, location, facebook url, and agree they are 18+ yadada.

ADMIN EDIT: Here is the url for his site, if he won't post it, I will.


I then go ahead and post those pictures along with there facebook screenshot, location, name and usually a funny meme to follow it.

I understand my site is protected under Communications Act Section 230, but I feel as if my only defense that would stand in court is "Everything is User-Submitted Content" - I've had cops show up to my house threatening me with lawsuits and charges, and I obviously have hundreds of people emailing me daily begging me to take down there photos, then the obvious "If you dont take them down ill sue you".

I am definitely in over my head with this whole thing, I understand this. Please don't just tell me to shut the site down.

I need help in the aspect of what kind of lawyer should I consult? Or what should I do? What should I stay away from etc?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I would post the url to my site, but I feel like I would get in trouble here on WF lol. That's the last thing I need.
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a friend of mine has a facegbook group like that.

thousands of threats, even more complaints to facebook.

The page is still alive and well.

they can't do shit.

/edit/ 1st in a fucking epic thread
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a friend of mine has a facegbook group like that.

thousands of threats, even more complaints to facebook.

The page is still alive and well.

they can't do shit.

Well I think the facebook aspect would be different.

How can I not get charge for defamatory or emotional distress?
Im literally ruining lives and causing emotional breakdowns of
hundreds of girls that are being exposed to thousands of people
in there state.

Like what can be my defense?

It would be different If I was making millions and could afford
a crazy lawyer but Im nothing more than a broke college student
trying to start a foundation.

Is it at least making you money?
Well no lol, I mean I know I have ways to with all this traffic but I'm not sure
where to start offer wise for this kind of demographic. I'm just trying to get it going
first, then the money will come later I assume.
dude shut down that stupid website or sell it to someone and go mainstream. This is the type of a website I would expect a 14 year old 4chan jailbait lover to manage and create...

a website like this will only bring you constant stress, worry, drama. definately not worth the time + business karma will get you eventually.

Use your talent and channel it into a positive project!
How can I not get charge for defamatory or emotional distress?
Im literally ruining lives and causing emotional breakdowns of
hundreds of girls that are being exposed to thousands of people
in there state.

So you expose people and ruin their lives in a daily basis by posting pics of them in a're one hell of a mother fucker......

And remember, what goes around comes around.
I cannot believe that you would offer such a service. Fucking twisted dude.
The fact that you are not even doing it for money, you deserve fucking shooting.
When I need legal advice, the first thing I do is ask WickedFire.

yea that shit is so fucked up now post the URL so I can add it to my web filter.

edit: found it - 1upem | Submit Nudes | Isanyoneup Nudes Replacement

Buddy, you're posting FULL NAMES and real FB urls of nude girls that actually show up in the first spots of google.

You trully are an idiot, did it ever occur to you that because of your stupidity one of these girls could commit suicide?.

Shut down that fucking website now.
The problem isn't the website that makes this available, it's people thinking that it's ok to sext then cry about the consequences. You sent a text of you nude to the guy you've gone out with for 3 whole weeks and you expected it to stay private ... really?

You can't legislate morality, that's exactly what most of you are suggesting here. Society is as society does.

If you've always been curious about what prison is like, continuing to run this site sounds like an amazing idea.

I guess kim dotcom got what was coming to him too
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good luck riding the waves of the legal system

since you make no money with it, it could be your best defense.
i suggest doing something to make money in a more legitimate way.
you obviously have some ninja skills...go get some
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