Anyone Using Link Emperor?


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Link Emperor: The ONLY Link Building Service You'll Ever Need.

Nobody talks about this here. They had one sales thread that's now closed., but this looks great for the lazy in me.

I e-mailed them asking how their system can handle new content added to sites, since I'm not going to want to log in and update it every time new content gets added to new sites by me and the writers. I'd love if I could hit them with an API call or they would just check my sitemaps.

Would love to hear what everyone thinks or if anyone has experience. It seems killer if it does indeed work.
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I used it. It was buggy at the time. Then when they started billing me my monthly fee every hour on the hour ($297) until I killed the Paypal subscription I decided to give it up. They refunded the "over payments" a few days later via e-check which I then had to wait for 2 weeks to clear.

With that said it's pretty cool, I wish they would fix the bugs. But the front end clients use is buggy, and apparently the back end billing is also buggy. Once they get the kinks worked out I'll probably try them again.
Holy popeshit! Now THAT'S a linkbuilding service...

At first I was like WTF Berto? A WSO? HERE???

Then I saw he is basically just micro-managing your credits between all of the following services:

Services Supported

We're constantly adding more services, but here's a list of what we currently integrate with:

Vendor: Backlinks Genie:

Forum Profile Creation.
Blog Commenting.
PR 4+ Profile Linkwheel.
Social Bookmarking.
Vendor: Lim:

SENukeX Blast - Large.
SENukeX Blast - Small.
Vendor: Best Backlinks:

High-PR Blog Comments all manually created.
.EDU/.GOV Profile Creation.
Mixed Links .

Blog Commenting.

Link Indexing.
Vendor: Nuclear Link Indexer:

Link Indexing.
Vendor: Gripex Vending:

Mixed Blast.
Vendor: Ambe Technologies Pvt. Ltd.:

Mixed Blast.
Vendor: Kazi Bora:

Web Directory Submissions.
Vendor: Drip Feed Blasts:

Forum Profile Creation.
Social Bookmarking.
Vendor: LinkPushing:

Private Blog Network Posts.
Vendor: Dripable:

Forum Profile Creation and Blog Commenting.
Vendor: SPC Innovation LLC:

Article Directory Links.
Blog Comment Links.
Basic Link Pyramid.
Vendor: Lauuuer:

Article Submission.
Forum Profile Creation.
Scrapebox Blog Commenting.
.EDU/.GOV Link Building.
Social Bookmarking.
High PR Blog Commenting.
SENukeX Blast (3-Way Attack).
Video Submission.
SENukeX Blast (Full Monty).
High PR Forum Profile Linkwheel.
Directory Submission.
Manual High PR Directory Submissions.
Google +1s.
Private Blog Network Posts.

Gonna have to give the free trial a spin now... +Rep for posting this here, Berto!

Edit: Fuck. Just saw Cheshire's post. I think I'll hold off now until others report that it's all clear.
Hey guys,

I'm the co-founder of Link Emperor. Thanks for all the kind words to those who posted them. And respect to everyone with issues -- we're listening. We're happy to answer any questions you may have right here in this thread.

We have been around for a little less than 3 months, and during those 3 months, we've had over 500 people sign up for our service, either as a trial account or as a paid member. So to say that we've been busy is quite an understatement.

We're doing our absolute best to keep things running as smoothly as possible, but we have hit a few bumps in the road and we always work to fix things as quickly as we can.

I can confirm Cheshire's report about a billing mixup. It only affected 3 of our customers and we promptly refunded all the incorrect billings and offered to repay any other charges it might have caused them to incur (overdraft fees, etc.) Since then, we've processed a whole bunch of transactions successfully without incident.

Cheshire -- I didn't realize that the refunds went out by eCheck -- we just did them the normal way via PayPal's "Issue Refund" button. Shoot me a personal email at kevin [at] and we'll do something to make that up to you.

To smooth things out further, we've recently hired another full-time American customer support person, and we're hiring two more full-time programmers this week. We're listening to all your suggestions and we really want to make Link Emperor into something that fits with the high standards you guys all have.

Feel free to post in this thread any questions or concerns and I'll do my best to answer them.
Hi Kevin, thanks for responding.

3 quick questions about LinkEmp:

1. I've got shittons of URLs to promote. We're talking scientific-notation-type numbers of landers/urls/domains... Luckily they don't have to all be promoted on the same day or I'd be broke already. I find I promote slightly more Keywords than landing pages in my current setup. (So let's say for 100 URLs I'd promote 125 keywords to them... I cross promote a lot.) So according to your pricing page, would the limiting factor for me be the lander URLs, or the Campaigns?

2. Is there a way to set up lots and lots of campaigns in your system that allows me to go in and switch allocations between existing campaigns, back and forth? Must it be limited to the # of what you're calling campaigns in your pricing page? Or can we have a 'campaign' in your system envelope hundreds of URLs underneath it?

3. I've already got some great existing link services locked into my strategy like DFB. Will I be able to seamlessly promote the other link TYPES efficiently around the profiles, SocBookmarks, and Directory Submissions that I already get there?

Thanks in advance,
Good questions above. A lot of us are doing some advanced stuff.

For me, I'm going to give it a whirl on 3 domains that I have that are aged, have over 40 pages of content each, and settled but not ranking where I want them.

In terms of my new stuff though, I really want to see some way of getting new pages added to the mix without logging in and doing anything. I can code up a plugin to do some logic and shoot over new info to add, so I look forward to seeing that API stuff. If it works out I might be dropping other services and just going through this.

Detailed Q's:

- How are you spinning social bookmark titles, descriptions, and tags?
- What is the profile blast philosophy? How do you anchor? Does it get varied? Do you sometimes put the URL in there and stuff for natural-nes? Do you spin words around them?
- Are you backlinking the social bookmarks and web2.0's with blog comments/profiles? I've had mixed results here so I guess I don't care much. Just curious.

As far as PayPal snafus go, that sucks but isn't going to stop me. PayPal always sides on the side of the customer for things like this, so I don't expect any problems. These guys seem to be aggressively developing.
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Hey GangsterProfit. With the branded client login can we make it look like it's on our own URL such as ""?
Looks sick as fuck. Love the proper use of "couldn't care less" in the video, props.

Definitely interested in hearing some more reviews from actual WF members but this definitely has my attention.
I can confirm Cheshire's report about a billing mixup. It only affected 3 of our customers and we promptly refunded all the incorrect billings and offered to repay any other charges it might have caused them to incur (overdraft fees, etc.) Since then, we've processed a whole bunch of transactions successfully without incident.

I never got an offer to repay any fees. It took about 24 hours to be refunded and I also asked to be contacted after you sorted it out to re-setup billing (since I had to cancel the paypal subscription) and I was never contacted. As of right now I am not a customer because of that. Seems like you guys just dropped the ball all over for me here

Cheshire -- I didn't realize that the refunds went out by eCheck -- we just did them the normal way via PayPal's "Issue Refund" button. Shoot me a personal email at kevin [at] and we'll do something to make that up to you.
1 of the 2 refunds was sent via e-check. It took about 7 days to clear. No biggie, it was only $297 but it's still not right.

To smooth things out further, we've recently hired another full-time American customer support person, and we're hiring two more full-time programmers this week. We're listening to all your suggestions and we really want to make Link Emperor into something that fits with the high standards you guys all have.
Glad you added more support staff, the turn around times were bad. I had big problems importing CSV's. I use a Mac though so maybe that complicated things. Even after you fixed my original issue I had weird buggy issues where it would duplicate data on import and sometimes just lose fields on certain things. Imports could take up to 35 minutes, or maybe just fail all together and never import anything.

With all that said the service itself is sick, really this is a wet dream as far as automated link building goes. All my favorite services packed into one package. It tiers it, finds content ... drooool. Super easy to use. Literally import your URLs via a CSV file, choose your keywords and let it go. The tiered structure of link building is perfect and the default setup works well. Just a set it and forget it.
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I never got an offer to repay any fees. It took about 24 hours to be refunded and I also asked to be contacted after you sorted it out to re-setup billing (since I had to cancel the paypal subscription) and I was never contacted. As of right now I am not a customer because of that. Seems like you guys just dropped the ball all over for me here

Hey, can you PM me your real name or your email address or your transaction ID? Trying to figure out which one of those you are.

I have tried it for the last month and a bit on a medium difficulty keyword with little success but I think it's more the keyword than anything. I'll try it on some new easier emds to see how it does on those, hopefully a bit better.
Hi Kevin, thanks for responding.

3 quick questions about LinkEmp:

1. I've got shittons of URLs to promote. We're talking scientific-notation-type numbers of landers/urls/domains... Luckily they don't have to all be promoted on the same day or I'd be broke already. I find I promote slightly more Keywords than landing pages in my current setup. (So let's say for 100 URLs I'd promote 125 keywords to them... I cross promote a lot.) So according to your pricing page, would the limiting factor for me be the lander URLs, or the Campaigns?

2. Is there a way to set up lots and lots of campaigns in your system that allows me to go in and switch allocations between existing campaigns, back and forth? Must it be limited to the # of what you're calling campaigns in your pricing page? Or can we have a 'campaign' in your system envelope hundreds of URLs underneath it?

3. I've already got some great existing link services locked into my strategy like DFB. Will I be able to seamlessly promote the other link TYPES efficiently around the profiles, SocBookmarks, and Directory Submissions that I already get there?

Thanks in advance,

Hey Luke,

This is the other co-founder writing now (Bobby).

1. For that amount of URLs/keywords you'd want to be on a Napoleon (2nd level) or higher package. The limiting factors are that the lowest plan allows a max of 50 URLs and 100 keywords, so they would both be exceeded. Then you just want to figure out the right amount of link building depending on how competitive your niches are. We allow you to spread your link building fairly thin, but you'll see better results if you purchase the appropriate amount.

2. A campaign isn't limited by URLs. It's like a folder, it's just an organizational tool. If you want to switch allocations though from one month to the next, that can be a bit of a pain but you could do it manually by editing target values to be 0, or you could even create a campaign for each month and pause one and then start another when the month is up. It's kind of strange, not exactly what we had in mind when we were designing the system, but we give you a lot of flexibility so if that's what you want to do, you should be able to accomplish it.

3. I'm not 100% sure if I understand the question, but if you're looking to get only certain types of links from Link Emperor and turn off others if you receive them somewhere else, you can definitely accomplish that. You get to set the allocation percentages, so if you don't want Link Emperor to be building profile links, you just allocate your credits to another service such as article directories or Google +1s, etc. You have full control over which services you order.

Hope that helps!

Berto - Kevin's going to reply to your questions along with your support ticket when he gets a chance, so look out for that. He has more knowledge regarding the specifics of how we do certain things like spinning particular submissions, etc, since he coded it out.

We're definitely interested in setting up an API that would help you be more lazy... that's the point of the whole thing.

TylerDurden - Yep you certainly can. You can set up a CNAME, which is already built in under the Client Tab under My Account.

EricVonDoobie - Much appreciation on the grammar props, I was the 6th grade spelling bee champ and I think that really affected me in my formative years... :sadcrying4:

Cheshire -

Glad you added more support staff, the turn around times were bad. I had big problems importing CSV's. I use a Mac though so maybe that complicated things. Even after you fixed my original issue I had weird buggy issues where it would duplicate data on import and sometimes just lose fields on certain things. Imports could take up to 35 minutes, or maybe just fail all together and never import anything.

I'm really sorry that happened. We are now using Assistly for our support tracking, so we are tracking response times (both average and maximum) with the overall goal of improving them.

I think we're doing pretty well (the number of currently open tickets is 0).

We are now tracking failures (such as import failures) more precisely and if something fails, we'll try to submit it again for you.

Got your PM and replied. I feel really bad about dropping the ball on that so hopefully we can make it up to you, that was definitely our bad.

Otinsdale - PM me your account info and I'll take a look to see if I can make any suggestions.

Much appreciation to everybody looking into our stuff. We're working hard to make it even better, once we get another programmer on board (hopefully this coming week) we'll really be cranking out new features.

How are you spinning social bookmark titles, descriptions, and tags?

Titles -- we take your title tag and run it through TheBestSpinner.

Descriptions -- we take your META Description tag and run it through TheBestSpinner.

Tags -- we randomly choose 3 keywords from your page.

We may start using the anchor texts as the social bookmark titles, because that's what becomes the link (I'd like to hear your feedback on this) and switching up the tags to just be random words from like Google Trends or something. We're open to suggestions here -- let me know what you think.

What is the profile blast philosophy? How do you anchor? Does it get varied? Do you sometimes put the URL in there and stuff for natural-nes? Do you spin words around them?

We submit your keywords (in batches) to other vendors that do the Profile blasts. We generally use their default settings, which means that one link typically goes in the "homepage" field and then 1-2 more can go in the Signature field.

We may in the future allow you to customize this further (add spintax to the signature, etc.), but we don't support it yet. It's mainly because we've been mainly focused on trying to support many different vendors, and they don't all give you that much flexibility.

Are you backlinking the social bookmarks and web2.0's with blog comments/profiles? I've had mixed results here so I guess I don't care much. Just curious.

Currently we don't support tiering one type of blast to another (i.e. running Xrumer type blasts to the social bookmarks), but we DO support running your social bookmarks (and your forum profiles, etc.) through Nuclear Indexer and/or BacklinksIndexer so you can at least energize them a bit that way.

We do have some blast types that are tiered within themselves (such as an SENuke blast or a few other types of multi-tiered blasts).

Honestly, I expected being able to set up your own tiers would be something that lots of people would ask for, but that hasn't really been the case. So while we do want to do that in the future, it's not as high priority as the APIs and some other things.
Thanks Bobby; just thought of one more question:

Some of these submissions, especially articles & blog posts, require something to be written. And then usually spun. How is this content generation tackled?
They actually explain that a little bit at the bottom of this page:

Link Building Marketplace Credits | Link Emperor

What I'm wondering is if you only have a small package (that's what she said) such as the "Alexander" do you get any of the services that cost more credits such as Gripex's package that's 63,000 credits? It seems to me that with the Alexander which only gives you 1,000 credits a day it would take you two months or $300 to get this package. Is that correct logic?