why muslims are hurted by WF threads ?


Nov 10, 2011
yeah i'm muslim....hurted by the threads about islam by wickedfire....kidding about islam / ramadhan / muslim
is it good human activity ?
i had seen many thread which has the title about any political news regarding to muslims geddafi / sadham / osama etc. But the complate discussion will be kidding the islam religion
why admins / mods are not caring it...
I cried by some heart broken kidding comments about my religion. why like this. cant the discussion made without hurting a religion ?

Probably because the spelling and grammar is horrendous in your case. It hurt my eyes to read it and I'm sure my I.Q. dropped a few points.

At the end of the day, I don't give a rats about whether you are a Muslim or not, just please stop typing. Or, if on the other hand, this is pure troll, please continue at a pace that doesn't make you bust a nut, or burst a blood vessel in your brain. I'm sure the hegemonic majority will have fun with you. :)
Don't cry, the people make fun of all religions equally around here. Islam just happens to be an easy target cause of all the loonies involved with it.
Islam is peacefull religion bro.......

Report: Israel prepared to attack Iran by Christmas

Israel is preparing an attack against Iran's nuclear sites "sooner rather than later," with logistical help from the United States, British newspaper the Daily Mail reported on Thursday.

According to the report, Israel could strike Iran as soon a Christmas or the new year, according to "intelligence chiefs."

The report noted that critical support from US-Jewish voters would compel President Barack Obama to support Israeli military action against the nuclear threat in Iran.

Yeah. THEY LOVE BLOOD & OIL .........

A Christmas gift from the origin of the Christ....

yeah i'm muslim....hurted by the threads about islam by wickedfire....kidding about islam / ramadhan / muslim
is it good human activity ?
i had seen many thread which has the title about any political news regarding to muslims geddafi / sadham / osama etc. But the complate discussion will be kidding the islam religion
why admins / mods are not caring it...
I cried by some heart broken kidding comments about my religion. why like this. cant the discussion made without hurting a religion ?

So hows that female circumcision working out for you anyway?
Hey Hon if you guys would just stay out of the news for more than 2 minutes you would quickly become nothing but a distant memory in about a week. The fact that you dont leave the lime light means you crave the attention. Now shut your mouth and go make me a god damn sammich