Anyone have a difficult time finding entrepreneurial minds/people in real life?


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Seems like 90% of people I know just want a 9-5 lifestyle with little to no ambition to make money or live a nice life. The people who do say they want it talk about it and never put in any action. I know theres a lot of people on here in early to mid 20's and it seems like everyone's motivation in that age frame is party and do whatever. I think it would be awesome to find people who have the same thinking and work ethic as me but at this point that doesn't seem realistic. I know there has to be others in the same boat... thoughts? opinions? suggestions?

Don't complain about being elite :) Enjoy the parties, find and hold on the occasional good people/friends you meet.

You might want to lookup local self-employed networks and meetups. There you can meet people like you from your area.
Consider yourself lucky. I for some reason have too many "entrepreneurial" types around me, and many tend to be on the aggressive side in trying to steal ideas or wanting a "piece of the pie".

Trust me it sucks, it's like you're in a real-life (with less smiles and knives-in-hand rather than behind-the-back).

You wanna hustle but all you see around you are other hustlers.
You ought to think of why you would really want to meet them in the first place. You might think that it is a good idea to exchange ideas off each other and seek motivation from them, but sometimes those things are better found online...
You ought to think of why you would really want to meet them in the first place. You might think that it is a good idea to exchange ideas off each other and seek motivation from them, but sometimes those things are better found online...
+1. Even online you quickly learn to shut-the-fuck-up about certain "ideas" of yours once you've experienced one being stolen by someone in a better position to implement it (thankfully never happened to me personally, probably because I've never had any "ideas" worth stealing - but never hurts to be a little cautious).
Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'd have to agree that I would rather not share ideas too though.
You ought to think of why you would really want to meet them in the first place. You might think that it is a good idea to exchange ideas off each other and seek motivation from them, but sometimes those things are better found online...
meh I just feel like positive people, positivie thinking and positive environments yield good results and ideas. It's draining to sit around and listen to people talk about the same old all day, everyday. I know for certain that when Im posting on forums like wickedfire or seeing anything motivational online I reap benefits from it.

You guys are definitely shedding some light on the benefits of little competition though. I think it would be great to work with people outside of the IM industry and try to pursue new goals and help each other out.
Most people I meet, if we ever talk about ambitions, it's always "I'd really like to get a good job in x industry..."

All I can think is, why not start a business in that industry and create the job you want?

So yes, it's hard to find people with the same mindset.
There are many if you try to look for them. Start at looking for some meetups. It also depends on where you live, obviously silicon valley has many of them.
Maybe, just perhaps, because 3/4 of all new businesses fail within their first year. Everybody's life isn't a "rich dad, poor dad," book.
Hmm, good point. Humans are naturally curious, and I'd say many of those "boring 9-5er's" have dipped their toes in something at least remotely "entrepreneurial" at some point in their lives and subconsciously "realized" that they would be much more comfortable with a job.
Hmm, good point. Humans are naturally curious, and I'd say many of those "boring 9-5er's" have dipped their toes in something at least remotely "entrepreneurial" at some point in their lives and subconsciously "realized" that they would be much more comfortable with a job.
For good reason... It doesn't make any fucking sense for most Engineers to open up an engineering firm and "create their own job," or most doctors to open up their own hospital. It doesn't matter what your company "does", when you start a company 99% of what you're going to be doing is marketing and finance and business...

All I can think is, why not start a business in that industry and create the job you want?

An Engineer in 99% of cases is not at all qualified IMO to start an Engineering firm. That would be like opening a restaurant because you're an okay cook.
Usually entrepreneurial ventures require a lot of work and someone motivated to do the work. It definitely takes that type of personality to make it succeed.

I'd only bounce ideas off people that I REALLY trust.
You ought to think of why you would really want to meet them in the first place. You might think that it is a good idea to exchange ideas off each other and seek motivation from them, but sometimes those things are better found online...

It's usually better to meet people who don't share the same expertise as you. That way you don't step on each others feet or compete for the same markets.
Yeah it kills me when I hear people talking about how they could make $19/hr in "only 3 years".

I've also got a ton of friends in college that are going to get a rude awakening when they get out and realize the world doesn't have a step by step plan for them.
It honestly does get lonely being an entrepreneur with no one to bounce ideas off of, get feedback, work together, etc.

I've been a entrepreneur all my life and the more time passes I realize how much I fucking wish I had a partner, or at least someone to get feedback from that thinks like me.

I do have a few friends who are entrepreneurs - but they are more traditional, which is better than nothing I guess.
Yeah it kills me when I hear people talking about how they could make $19/hr in "only 3 years".

I've also got a ton of friends in college that are going to get a rude awakening when they get out and realize the world doesn't have a step by step plan for them.

Im so sick of hearing business majors tell me how to run my sites because he studied Walgreen's business model from 2004.
I think it would be awesome to find people who have the same thinking

I hate to break it to you but these other people don't exist. They do on here, and at conventions, meetups, etc. but not in every day life.