any gamblers on wf?


New member
Jun 25, 2006
I have been going to the casino alot lately... haven't lost once the last 5 times I've gone. Roulette is my favorite game, betting on colors to be specific.

I typically wait for a pattern of 5-6 blacks to show up in a row, then bet on red. If black shows up again (7th, 8th, 9th, etc.), I keep doubling my bet in order to make the losses back and something extra.

This system seems to be working for me, although it takes balls. It would be a lot more comforting if the table max was higher than $1000, in the rare scenario that many consecutive colors follow each other.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The Martingale System - The Martingale System is one of the oldest and most popular Roulette betting systems in casino's around the world. Originally invented for Roulette it has since been adapted for other games such as Blackjack and Baccarat where the payoff odds for a wager are close to even. The basic idea here is to double your wager immediately after losing a bet. This is continued until the player makes a win and recoups all losses and earns one unit. The system is based on the law of averages and basically states that on a 50/50 bet such as a Color or Odds bet in Roulette if one comes in eventually the law of averages states the other will come in as well."
Roulette Strategies Tips Strategy Online Casinos

it's just a coincidence that it's working for you. there is no mathematical reason why it should work...
Unfortunately casinos around here are limited to poker, blackjack and slots. Can be fun with the right people though. I use to go play poker quite a bit.
I have been going to the casino alot lately... haven't lost once the last 5 times I've gone. Roulette is my favorite game, betting on colors to be specific.

I typically wait for a pattern of 5-6 blacks to show up in a row, then bet on red. If black shows up again (7th, 8th, 9th, etc.), I keep doubling my bet in order to make the losses back and something extra.

This system seems to be working for me, although it takes balls. It would be a lot more comforting if the table max was higher than $1000, in the rare scenario that many consecutive colors follow each other.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The Martingale System - The Martingale System is one of the oldest and most popular Roulette betting systems in casino's around the world. Originally invented for Roulette it has since been adapted for other games such as Blackjack and Baccarat where the payoff odds for a wager are close to even. The basic idea here is to double your wager immediately after losing a bet. This is continued until the player makes a win and recoups all losses and earns one unit. The system is based on the law of averages and basically states that on a 50/50 bet such as a Color or Odds bet in Roulette if one comes in eventually the law of averages states the other will come in as well."
Roulette Strategies Tips Strategy Online Casinos

Hoping I am being trolled here. Martingale is not some magical system to beat the roulette. it is the system to decrease the amount of times you lose, but when you do lose, you lose everything you have + boats and house. In the long term , the expected value of randomly picking red or black has no bigger return of money (In fact it all has negative return of money) than using martingale and betting on black every time. If black comes 3000000000000000000 times in a row, the next ball is still just as likely to be red as it is black. I am going to assume you are just some troll trying to get visits to his casino website though, but you have like 500 posts so I dont even know what to think anymore. :uhoh2:
I have been going to the casino alot lately... haven't lost once the last 5 times I've gone. Roulette is my favorite game, betting on colors to be specific.

I typically wait for a pattern of 5-6 blacks to show up in a row, then bet on red. If black shows up again (7th, 8th, 9th, etc.), I keep doubling my bet in order to make the losses back and something extra.

This system seems to be working for me, although it takes balls. It would be a lot more comforting if the table max was higher than $1000, in the rare scenario that many consecutive colors follow each other.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The Martingale System - The Martingale System is one of the oldest and most popular Roulette betting systems in casino's around the world. Originally invented for Roulette it has since been adapted for other games such as Blackjack and Baccarat where the payoff odds for a wager are close to even. The basic idea here is to double your wager immediately after losing a bet. This is continued until the player makes a win and recoups all losses and earns one unit. The system is based on the law of averages and basically states that on a 50/50 bet such as a Color or Odds bet in Roulette if one comes in eventually the law of averages states the other will come in as well."
Roulette Strategies Tips Strategy Online Casinos

Mathematically, no matter what you do on Roulette, it's a losing proposition.

Anyways, I like to play poker at AC.
the martingale errrr... lol

The only winning gambling strategy is to be the house.
Betting red or black is not a 50/50 proposition, have you forgotten that you lose on 0 and 00? No matter how you bet on Roulette you can never get even odds. So as you may be beating the wheel in the short term, you will never beat the wheel long term unless the wheel happens to have a bias which casinos spend a lot of time and money to prevent. You will suffer a slow painful death.
Back when I was young and stupid, I used to gamble too much for my own good. Roulette and baccarat were my games. Would always start off at roulette, then once up say $500, would head over to the baccarat tables.

Unfortunately, I used to love gambling, and also love drinking, which isn't a great combination, especially when you're single and making a decent penny every month. Maximum bet on the baccarat tables where I went was $200, so many nights I ended up hogging the whole table, and would play 8 players at the same time, so I could bet $1600 per hand.

Thinking back, not a good way to spend my money...
I'm up quite a bit right now here at the casino in Turks and Caicos. Mathematically the house will always win, but if you know how to play craps and blackjack properly, you can at very least get things extremely close to 50/50 - it also depends on the house blackjack rules. You're paying for entertainment is how I see it, but I try to play smart to at least make it a little better. If you win, even better.

I also never drink when I gamble - 1 at most, unless I'm sitting at penny slots being a dick just to get free drinks.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The basic idea here is to double your wager immediately after losing a bet. This is continued until the player makes a win and recoups all losses and earns one unit.[/FONT]

I used to do that in blackjack when I just started gambling... Was going great until one day I lost 18 hands in a row... Don't do it anymore, usually just differentiate the bets as I feel...

I do gamble quite a bit lately, mostly blackjack and craps. Sometimes roulette, however, I normally play roulette on the way out if I am up. Just picked a random number for myself and bet on it. So if I am up a few hundred, I may play $100 - 5 spins, $20 each spin. Place it all on "32". Happened a few times that it hit and when it did I felt a lot better which would normally make me go home right away. One time I hit 32 twice in a row, I play until I don't run out of my initial $100 roulette money. Otherwise it seems to me like a slow waste of time, hitting one chip at once when you throw them all over the board.
Blackjack is horrible. I've been recently playing craps, and I'm getting good at that. As for roulette; if you want an edge play the row above the (row: color, 1-15, 15-36, odd/even). That row will have 3 sections and pays 2 for 1 win. What I tend to do, is put down for sake of argument, $1.00 on each of those two three boxes. You purposely lose one, but by doing so you cover 66% of the board and win 66% of the time. :-) I stay away from roulette, but if you play -t hats the way to go.
I've gone from $10 to over $1000 a few times in blackjack.

I alway do good starting low, but If I head in with $500 it will be gone. Its a roller coaster.
Eventually that Martingale system will fuck you up the ass bro.

The theory behind the concept would work if you had a big enough bankroll, but the casinos get by this by having table limits. I went in the Gala casino recently and I did notice that the minimum bets are much higher these days on the machines that hook up to the live table (it is obv why that is).

On a main dealer table, you could get thrown out of a casino for using such a system. I hate the thought of trying it out online as well, as there have always been trust issues when you aren't playing live.

Even live, I have seen a fair few times a same colour pop up 13 or 14 times one after the other. Just imagine a £10 on that would have gone up to £100k or something daft, but oh look there probably would have been a table limit in place of £1000/£10,000 etc.
Dealt roulette for 8 years on the Vegas strip. Always had a good laugh at the guys who had the "system" to beat the game.

2 things -

1. Your system of betting red after you see a few blacks is one of the worst "systems" you could possible use. Stay with the streak never bet against it.

You will always be beaten in the long run by the houses max bet using a "progressive lose" system and it will happen more than you think possible. Your system keeps doubling the bet until you win putting large amounts of YOUR cash at risk to win a very very small initial bet.

The better system is the same used by many of the smarter gamblers, "progressive win", and that is to progressive bet a small amount more then the previous bet after each win. Bet 10, win, then bet 15, win then bet 20,win, bet 30 etc. After a streak of 5+ red or black you will be winning large amounts while risking only the houses money. The wheel will streak 15, 20 or even 25 of one color quit often and I've seen people lose way more than they could afford using your flawed strategy.

FACT - Good roulette dealers can consistently manipulate what sections of the wheel the ball will land in, so don't piss your dealer off.

2. Everyone wins at gambling - Almost every person who sat at the table was, as they said, a winner over the long run. If a person wins $1000 one time but loses $500 10 times you will ONLY ever hear about the time he/she won the $1000, it's just human nature.

Enjoy your next time at the tables :-)
On a main dealer table, you could get thrown out of a casino for using such a system. I hate the thought of trying it out online as well, as there have always been trust issues when you aren't playing live.

Casinos will NEVER throw you out or stop you from playing a progressive lose system. If everyone used it the hotels would be even bigger in Vegas :-).
FACT - Good roulette dealers can consistently manipulate what sections of the wheel the ball will land in, so don't piss your dealer off.

errrrrrrrrr, i dealt roulette for a bit and i dont really want to argue with someone who dealt roulette for 8 years but i have to imagine that that is bollocks. If it it were true you'd get a sidekick and rinse the casino and you wouldnt be going to work, probably just chilling on your yacht. But yeh dont piss the dealer off, its not the wisest thing you could do.
Casinos will NEVER throw you out or stop you from playing a progressive lose system. If everyone used it the hotels would be even bigger in Vegas :-).

I guess some like it, some don't.

Had a look at some online casinos claiming no table limits, but what is the point of that when they had outside bet limits LOL.

Best way to make money with roulette is to run your own online casino, or more ideally run as an affiliate on CPA or rev share.
