How Did You Find Out About WickedFire?

Tell Us Where You Heard About WF

  • Another Forum (which?)

    Votes: 485 19.0%
  • Google

    Votes: 822 32.2%
  • MSN

    Votes: 6 0.2%
  • Yahoo

    Votes: 15 0.6%
  • Blog (who's?)

    Votes: 263 10.3%
  • Ad Network or AM (which?)

    Votes: 57 2.2%
  • Friend

    Votes: 839 32.9%
  • Conference (which?)

    Votes: 32 1.3%
  • Newsletter (which?)

    Votes: 12 0.5%
  • Radio (which?)

    Votes: 20 0.8%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Just trying to get a better idea for a new marketing campaign.. So tell us, How and/or Where did you hear about us? Pick an answer from the poll, and reply back with as much detail as possible (for you older members, try and remember that far back..). But try and leave your tranny stories out of it.

I was on syndk8 and there was a thread regarding mortgage leads. Jon responded to it and I looked at his info which had a link to this forum on it.

Been hooked ever since.
I think I was searching Google for Adsense Arbitrage info and came across this forum. I've been hooked ever since too! I don't post much but I am here daily.
I heard WickedFire get mentioned on NetIncome.

WickedFire is one of the best things I've found on the net, next to bittorrent and porn.
Someone said something about WickedFire on DigitalPoint(scary, I know)...

Read the forums a couple times before joining and have been hitting the refresh button ever since...
I don't like Jon, but since the poll lacks an "I found WickedFire through some douche named Jon" option, I answered friend. Don't get the wrong idea.

I found WF after doing a few design jobs for Jon.
Another forum... It may have been youngentreprenuer or something. Thank god I found this one though, cause that place was a piece of shit.

Actually now I remember that the first time I heard about Jon was that thread where he posted his 80K CJ check or whatever. Than a few months later i put 2 and 2 together
I was at ad-tech in SF in april as an interviewer. Was researching a few networks when I got back home and found AMs that had profiles here.

I thought the forum was just another Faggoty black background forum, but after reading the e-book shit on and seeing other people bitch about the owner, I knew I was home.

Can't wait to meet some of you at ASE.
Someone MSN'd me wanting me to sign up for them as a referral for a contest. Then the whole Earners Forum vs. Wicked Fire topic came up at various forums and I decided to actually check this place out. Just lurked around for awhile, then finally I started to participate.
Man, it was a forum at some point back when it launched, but I have no clue which, to be honest. I didn't stay long for whatever reason.

Laura :)
In an IRC network [DALnet to be exact]. A friend was talking about making $500 while sleeping. I asked him about it, and he showed me WickedFire. :)
was reading your blog every now and then before you actually launched WF. I liked the idea that I would be able to speak freely without being banned or blacklisted, so I joined.