Presale: auction2post plugin - save $$ w/ coupon code! Turn eBay auctions into posts!

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Unconsciously competent.
Nov 18, 2007
Rating - 100%
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so sales copy is not my thing, but here goes:

auction2post is the BEST FUCKING eBay Wordpress plugin period.

click here to buy. use this code to save $20 (reg. $79): 7D107C5002

click here to read about it's development. click here to visit the forums.

consider the following:

this is a presale / prerelease for auction2post currently in version 0.0.8. you receive lifetime free upgrades for future releases. version 1.0 is scheduled to be released june 15th at which point the coupon above expires.

current version only works with epn and NOT pjn - apparently no one wanted the free version offered here and pjn hasn't bothered to get back to me after repeated calls/emails/etc. it will remain w/out pjn support until either i hear from someone @ pjn or one of their affiliates steps up to help out.

also, this version is limited to the US eBay site only. international site search will be implemented in a pre 2.0 release but will not be part of a2p 1.0. fyi.

i will be working on some video tutorials and a nicer Install Guide this weekend.

finally, if you have issues w/ signing up or logging in after signing up, please send me a pm either here or ideally at the a2p forums here.

A2P kicks ass. I never downloaded the free version, however I really wish I did. A2P does exactly what radio says. My favorite feature of A2P is being able to automate the entire process. I also like how you can setup your own templates, and how easy it is to setup. Is it worth $79? Fuck yea, you definitely won't be disappointed.

A+++plus++ will buy again
Just downloaded 0.8 (AP2). Sooo excited as I've been stocking up domains just waiting for this day!! Will be working on them all weekend. What family?
This plug-in kicks some major ass and attracts some major traffic. Get your hands on a pre-release copy of this bitch and get to work. NOW!!

It has an great collection of features that really make a difference in setting up a quick ebay-log.

By the way radio the ebay rover link cloaking works like a charm.
random side note: I believe camtasia offers a free trial for a month or something? you could probably get all your tutorials done in that time :D

Ok I got one site up last night. My goal is to do one new site a day...scaling baby!!

The real reason I popped back into this thread was not to ramble (although you all know I love a good ramble) I just wanted to say that Radio has been ridiculously awesome with his customer service. He always answers my gagillion questions without making me feel like the tard that I am, sometimes. (We joke about how I'm really just helping him write the auction2post tutorial for dummies but it's got to be annoying sometimes) Anyways, for the most part it's all really simple and for the advanced options you've got either the tutorials or reliable customer support/forum to help you through it. There is really no reason you should not buy this now.
thanks, turbo!

it was just brought to my attention that some people might think presale / prerelease means that you pay now and receive later.... no, no, no. that's my bad. this plugin is available right fucking now. click here to buy it, download it, generate license file, upload, activate, then BANK!

fuck me. i just saw that i had the damn product title and description hidden on the signup page. thanks to the brave souls who have signed up and paid even though it didn't say what you were buying. fuck me.
I got a copy of it and it rocks. Radio has also answered my questions and been very supportive in helping me figure some advanced shit out.

It is well worth the cost as 10X the price!!
Just bought. Beta was awesome, looking forward to filling up my server!!!!!!!!!!

great job radio
Do you recommend some sort of mix content %?

Such as:
70% real content / 30% auctions
70% auctions / 30% real content
100% auctions

Just wondering if the auctions get flagged as dupe content or if they can be enough on their own to rank.
I can't really answer any of that for you, as I've only done one site so far, for about a month.

I will say that I had a random longtail keyword that ranked above the actual ebay auction listing. I did a little "I'm the shit" dance.
Do you recommend some sort of mix content %?

Such as:
70% real content / 30% auctions
70% auctions / 30% real content
100% auctions

Just wondering if the auctions get flagged as dupe content or if they can be enough on their own to rank.

You might want to try a rewrite plugin to cloud the waters a little. :1bluewinky:
I think you probably answered these questions, but let me do a quick run-down of what I think it does and you can can confirm. (as your product is most likely excellent, but your copyrighting most certainly sucks a smelly ladyboy 3am at nana)

  1. I put in a search term for eBay (basic or advanced)
  2. It takes this and scrapes up to the top 100 results and makes a affiliate link loaded post with the the picture and description scraped from ebay (looks like you are caching the picture as well)
  3. This is all automated - (via CRON? - I have to setup in cPanel?) meaning that I set it up once. And never have to touch it again and it periodically will search for the term and add auctions based on that search - also I can set it to automatically remove expired auctions?
  4. Unlimited Domain license?
  5. Link Cloaking?

Am I on the right track with the basic functions above
What is most important to me as user is the ability to set it up once and forget about it.

btw... what wordpress theme is that on your sales page, its fantastic!
1. I put in a search term for eBay

In addition to a search term you can specify exclude terms, eBay category, bid range, price range, seller ID, exclude sellers, condition, sort preference, item type, distance, store search, specific product search (EAN,ISBN,UPC), buy it now only items, search title and description, and hide duplicates.

2. It takes this and scrapes up to the top 100 results and makes a affiliate link loaded post with the the picture and description scraped from ebay (looks like you are caching the picture as well)
Scraping sounds so dirty... it uses the eBay API and generates the appropriate call to eBay and eBay graciously responds with an xml response loaded with content that can now be turned into a post on your website. You have the option to take the images that a user has uploaded to eBay and save them to your server or you can opt to just hotlink them. The plugin creates a rover/affiliate link for you and by using the templates you can create a post template that is littered w/ the link or more modest - entirely up to you, just use the [link] tag in the post templte. There is a default template but you are able to create more and save them, edit them, copy them, or if they suck... delete them. To insert images into your post using a template, use the [img[]] tag (where you can insert attributes inside the nested []) - if there are images to display, they are - otherwise it bows out nicely. The templates allow for setting Custom Field keys and values - so if you're using a magazine style layout - you can set the homepage image to the first image that eBay returns. This is fucking slick. Look forward to creating some more sample sites using this feature to showcase plugin. Also will be customizing some themes so that they work seamlessly w/ a2p (i.e. no need to identify "feature" post - it just features the latest post).

3. This is all automated - (via CRON? - I have to setup in cPanel?) meaning that I set it up once. And never have to touch it again and it periodically will search for the term and add auctions based on that search - also I can set it to automatically remove expired auctions?
It uses the wp_schedule_event to fire the automated events based on the schedule that you set - this is either hourly or daily. There is a catch, in order to trigger, someone needs to visit the site. This hasn't been an issue for me (as I've gone to bed and woken up with hundreds of new posts) - but if you want to be sure you're generating posts on an exact schedule, then you can use cron. here's an example:

5 18 * * * root wget -q -O /dev/null
4. Unlimited Domain license?
Yes. Each requires its own license file that you generate, download, and upload through your license manager which you get access to after payment.

5. Link Cloaking?
I think it's more appropriate to call it masking (even though I started by calling it cloaking). But yes, you can opt to hide your footprint with a masked link that may also help with SEO. Instead of the rover link, you will have a link like this:

You do need to move a file into your wordpress install directory and modify the .htaccess in that directory as well - but that is explained in the general settings tab where you elect that option.

What is most important to me as user is the ability to set it up once and forget about it.
Please see last bullet point from a2p website:

  • Build Niche Websites with 100’s of Posts in Minutes!
  • Improve Your Rank in Search Engines!
  • Deliver Highly Targeted Niche Specific Content!
  • Set It & Forget It Automation!

I think this will definitely meet and exceed your expectations / needs. It's the best fucking eBay Wordpress plugin period... or so I read earlier in this thread.

How much does it cost,and where to buy?

$79 (use the coupon above to save $20) - buy it here. read more about it here.
Ok, I just bought and installed on one site..

my review is that this will create EXCELLENT search bait and is a great buy.
The backend is fairly complex and completely customizable which is very important because the problem with programs like these is they get footprinted if everybody uses the exact same roll out.

EPN income is my #1 profit stream and I am looking forward to deploying this on gazillions of sites.....

Only complaint I have, and perhaps it is being modifed is that description text comes with no <br> breaks. I guess the XML dump just dumps it like this? but perhaps input an option for random breaks?
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