I will build you a mininet. 22 sites, 34 links, 24 backlinks - REVIEW COPY AVAILABLE

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New member
Feb 7, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Mininet Package
- 22 sites
- 34 intersite links
- 24 backlinks to your main site/pages
- All articles and blogs will be pinged after links are posted within them
- Web2.0 sites and article sites will be social bookmarked (most likely, depending on the subject... obviously this wouldn't work for porn or warez, etc.)
- Not a complete circle (ie. not a linkwheel)
- All links are one way links

Sites involved:
Go Articles
Live Journal
Wet Paint
Hub Pages

All articles/blogs will be posted from one master yahoo email address to establish authority.

Upon completion you will get an Excel file listing:
- All sites
- All URLs of articles
- A chart of which sites and articles are linked to which other sites and articles
- All usernames and passwords for all accounts, blogs, and sites
- Username and password for master yahoo email address used to register for each account

What you need to give me:
- URL of your main page
- Up to 4 URLs of important pages within your site (optional)

Your niche must be approved before I can do this because some topics won't work (ie. Ezinearticles won't approve pornographic articles, etc.).

I will generate all content (unless you really want to do it). Content will not be 100% unique, but all blog posts and articles will be unique enough to be approved by the respective sites.

Turnaround time is approximately a week as some of the articles require approval, such as buzzle and ezinearticles.

I am offering one review copy for $55. The regular price will be $110. Review copy must go to a cool WickedFire member in good standing who won't disappear and not give a review afterward.

PM or post questions if interested. Remember your niche must be approved first. If your niche is something illegal, shady, or otherwise suspect you won't be approved.

Turnaround time is approximately one week (mostly due to Ezinearticles and Buzzle taking their time to approve stuff) but obviously if something comes up I will email you and let you know.

edit - I forgot to mention, all accounts will be written using a fake name so if you have one you want to use, let me know, otherwise I will randomly generate one. It could be male or female. Or if you want a specific name used, let me know.

Show us an example of what you've made then. :-)

Here's the most recent one I did (URLs have been removed for privacy).

Black arrows = inner links
Red arrows = backlinks to client's money site and/or subpages at money site

Besides porn is there any niche you won't get into?

So far porn is the only niche I have said "no" to. That doesn't mean there's not another niche out there that I haven't thought of that I wouldn't do.

Here is a good guideline: if ezinearticles will allow an article on the subject, I will probably do it.

If your niche is "how to steal credit card numbers" or "how to make homemade meth," then that's going to be a big "no."

Also, if it's something that for whatever reason I cannot write content on it, then I may deny it as well. I haven't encountered this yet but it's possible, which is why we discuss niche before we begin.

And do we provide articles or do you find them and spin them on your own?
I usually write and spin them on my own. If you have your own seed articles or ones that you have written that you specifically want me to use then that is cool, too. Or I can do a mixture of both.

The published articles will be unique enough to be accepted by the publishers. Some of the blog posts may be a little less unique but they will still work. I spin the most variance into articles on the important sites so they get accepted.
Any reason you won't make me a mininet about how to make meth? Just kidding, but I'd really like to see the actual pages you've done. Hopefully HBZ or whatever else you've got coming for review will share their sites, but I suppose I understand why they wouldn't want to.
I'd really like to see the actual pages you've done. Hopefully HBZ or whatever else you've got coming for review will share their sites, but I suppose I understand why they wouldn't want to.

Most of the blog sites either casually mention the niche, talk about how awesome the niche is, or give general information about the niche. I mix it up a bit that way. Most blog entries are 300-400 words.

Most of the articles are informative about the niche (depending on what it is) and then have a link(s) at the bottom to the moneysite. Most articles are whatever the average length requirement is. The exception is if the niche is something that I am actually passionate about IRL, then it might be a bit longer as I have a tendency to ramble. lol.

Most of the web 2.0 sites are informative about the niche, as well. The Squidoo lens, for example, usually has some info, some pics, and some links, maybe some youtube vids, etc., but it's not a fully developed hey-look-i-spent-10-hours-on-my-lens type of site. It's just enough to get the info out there and make the search engines happy and eat up the backlinks.

All of the blog sites use non-default templates and have a little something added in the "about me" section. Remember it's a fake persona (unless you specify otherwise) so it's usually just something that such a fake person would say, eg. if it's a teenage girl she might talk one way, if it's a 35 year old Japanese-American male then it might be something else. No one really cares about the "about me" section tho so it's usually like 2 sentences.
Oh, and most of the sites use the same username unless you specify otherwise. Remember, they're all linked to the same main account to establish authority. If Joe Schmoe writes about blue widgets on 20 different sites, then Joe Schmoe starts to look like a blue widget authority. If 20 random people write about blue widgets on 20 different sites, then no one has any authority.

For that reason, say the username ends up being something like JSchmoe123. Most of the sites will look like:


The Ezinearticle author name will be Joe Schmoe.


I generate a random name unless you have a specific name or pen name you want me to use.
Sign me up for the review copy and I can post a full feedback comparing it to other SEO blogging services I purchased here on WF. Otherwise PM once the review is done and we'll talk...
Review copy has been paid for and is under development. It should be completed in about a week for those of you who want to see reviews.

If anyone else wants to get started now or see if your niche is approved, send me a PM.
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