auction2post plugin for Wordpress, turn eBay auctions into posts

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Unconsciously competent.
Nov 18, 2007
Rating - 100%
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The auction2post plugin for Wordpress turns eBay auctions into posts for your website. Run searches for popular products and create a new post for each auction complete with auction description, images, and of course, your aff link.

I'm releasing the free version for people to experiment with while I continue developing the premium version. I'm certainly interested in any additional functionality you'd like to see in the premium version, so leave comments below.

Drop me a PM here or sign up at to get the free version.

Here's the current feature list for the premium plugin:

  • Expanded search allowing for every parameter to be defined.
  • Check database to see if post has already been added, don't duplicate. (may become feature of free version)
  • Allow user to set search defaults (maxBids, minBids, postalCode, maxDistance, etc.)
  • Have a basic search w/ expandable advanced search on Add Auctions page.
  • Display all auction results w/ image/price/description before adding posts so user can with one click prune auctions they want eliminated from the auctions to post.
  • Post Templates - stored in the db and user creates or selects pre-saved template, if no template selected default post
  • Create custom searches and have them run automatically, autopopulating your site.
  • Add new, edit, or delete custom automated searches.
  • Expire (delete) posts when auction ends (option)
  • All values retuned by eBay API stored as custom fields so they can be called up by the theme
  • Allow for assigning multiple categories to post
  • Allow for up to 100 posts per individual search
  • Option on sold/expired items that says "sold" but displays several auctions from the same query on current auctions.
  • Delete all a2p posts and delete all a2p expired posts buttons in settings. (for cleaning up if a user decides they no longer want all expired posts to be clogging up their blog).
You can see the results of the free version here:
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Reactions: jryan21

Nice +rep (especially for free)! Im building a few sites that this will definitely come in real handy.
like phpbay lite - this is the free version - so keep your expectations in check! ;)

finishing up some final tweaks, will send out tonight. thanks to everyone who has signed up and offered feedback thus far.
link is now on the site for download.

play with it, get an idea of what it can do - give me some feedback. there are some tweaks that i'll be making, but the focus is now going to be on the premium version feature list.

also, you need to get an eBay Developer Production AppID here:

thanks for beta testing!
allows you to set up a auto updating page of auctions instead of having to delete posts of expired auctions which will leave 404 errors.
i follow what you are saying. initial development didn't include expiring posts, it was requested and i figured i'd implement it. any seo experts w/ a suggestion for handling the 404 more gracefully?
I have to admit - when I first read the title I thought to myself "Do I really need another phpBay?"

Then I read the feature list and looked at the example blog. This looks awesome thus far, and I'll definitely be trying it out.

Oh, and for the expired posts... I'd imagine just a 301 to the category page or the home page would do the trick. Should nicely route all the links these posts get (probably from splog ping crawl, in my case) as well.

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