Squidoo Rater Bot

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Jul 26, 2008
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Squidoo Rater Bot by xcubic

Hi there, I'm the user xcubic and I'm new to the forums. Sadly I can't be active on every IM marketing forum on the internet.
Still, please keep reading. I'm here to present you my new bot. Also, I know that my English isn't perfect, sorry guys.


  • Automatically rate multiple lens using multiple accounts.
  • Create accounts almost automatically. The only thing you have to do is to enter the captcha.


I started the creation of this bot for personal use but after a while, I thought it was a nice piece of software, very easy to handle.

  • Account Creator

The process of creating accounts is almost automatic, the only thing you have to do is to enter the captcha. This section of the bot is optimized for you to create accounts very quickly. After the creation of the account, the details will be automatically placed in the list of logins on the lens rater section.

  • Lens Rater

Here all you have to do, is to:

  1. Insert all the login details you want to use.
  2. Insert all the lenses you want to rate.
  3. Pick how many starts you want to give.
  4. Pick the time between each rate.
  5. Click "rate" and that's it, just give it some time and all will be rated.
Note: The "+" add the details in the text box and the "-" will delete the item selected. The buttons "load" and "save" are pretty obvious and the "clear" will era all the respective list.

System Requirements:

  • Windows xp sp2 / Vista /sp1
  • Microsoft.NET Framework version 3.5
  • Internet connection
  • Lenses to rate

  • Each copy will cost $15.
  • Payments only through paypal.
Other Details:

  • Possible updates will be free
  • Thinking of adding some more functions in the future
  • Any problem, I'll give full support
  • If you're not happy with the bot (I hope not), you can ask your money back.

All questions are welcome! Feel free to ask! If you want a copy, pm me!



Does exactly what it says on the tin - creates accounts on Squidoo automatically, then uses them to rate lenses.

Good points:

Fast to use
Some nice features like the ability to assign a range of ratings to lenses
Can save account details

Bad points:
A bit rough around the edges to use (but all works fine)
Doesn't use proxy, so not sure if squidoo are likely to catch on
Just uses fhewalkjfewa@gmail.com style made up email addresses - ditto, will squidoo catch on to this?

Final verdict - certainly worth $15 as a timesaver if you do much with squidoo, only reservation is as above. It leaves a pretty clear footprint, so if Squidoo get hot on spam control (are they?), they may notice. Performs exactly as the OP describes.
honestly, i think that the rater is worth it! well its only $15 and it does work. all you have to do is input the capchas and it will create squidoo accts with various gmails and thus you can rate lenses..
worth a try..

Thanks for the review.
Quick and clean installation, requires .NET to run. Interface is very accessible and easy to use. Takes around 3-5 seconds for creating an account (this includes entering the captcha).

Good part is you only have to do this once since the list of logins can be stored and used in future sessions (unless ofcourse you do something stupid and get your accounts banned). Perhaps some proxy support would avoid any suspicision.

You can rate your lenses with how many stars you desire and designate an interval to avoid suspicion.

I registered over 30 accounts, hit Rate and took around 4 minutes to get the job done, with my broadband connection. I selected to be rated between 3-5.

This is a great marketing tool. It is widely known that Google gives a lot of love to Squidoo so by using this tool and perhaps coupling it with a couple of backlinks to your lense you can quickly get ranked for medium competition keywords.

The result:

It gets the job done.
I built maybe year ago this script that rates and adds lens as favorite. It worked pretty good but Squidoo uses little bit more complicated algo so I didn't have time to investigate anymore and I dropped it. So don't expect that your rank will increase because of this program.
A smart tip from Squidoo

let's assume for the moment that you don't care a bit about breaking the system or cheating.

you probably care about wasting time and money.

we're continually altering our algorithms. if you use this software, we will find you and we will delete all of your lenses immediately. And, since it's a clear violation of our Terms of Service, we have no hesitation at all about tracking you down and pursuing you for damages under the DMCA.

go scam someone else.
let's assume for the moment that you don't care a bit about breaking the system or cheating.

you probably care about wasting time and money.

we're continually altering our algorithms. if you use this software, we will find you and we will delete all of your lenses immediately. And, since it's a clear violation of our Terms of Service, we have no hesitation at all about tracking you down and pursuing you for damages under the DMCA.

go scam someone else.

:2gunsfiring_v1: dun dun dunnnnnn
let's assume for the moment that you don't care a bit about breaking the system or cheating.

you probably care about wasting time and money.

we're continually altering our algorithms. if you use this software, we will find you and we will delete all of your lenses immediately. And, since it's a clear violation of our Terms of Service, we have no hesitation at all about tracking you down and pursuing you for damages under the DMCA.

go scam someone else.

Wow! Talk about a smackdown lol
let's assume for the moment that you don't care a bit about breaking the system or cheating.

you probably care about wasting time and money.

we're continually altering our algorithms. if you use this software, we will find you and we will delete all of your lenses immediately. And, since it's a clear violation of our Terms of Service, we have no hesitation at all about tracking you down and pursuing you for damages under the DMCA.

go scam someone else.
No offense Seth but good luck filing for damages.. why not try to sue CURL developers while you are at it since they have created a nice way of breaking your TOS with few lines of code.. yes, I do know this for a fact.

Just a friendly tip from your friendly bot maker, instead of focusing your energy to this kind of shit, maybe you should improve your site and try to make stuff in a way that these kind of programs are really hard to make in the first place..
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