Basic info:
8970 unique domains
525729 unique auto approve urls
This fresh list of auto approve blogs is 100% unique from my previous list, there won't be even a 1 domain overlap between the 2 lists.
Most of the urls are wordpress, there are some movable type too though.
This list works in scrapebox and xrumer, or any other software that can post to wordpress/movable type.
It couldn't be easier to use, just load it as you would normally load any blog list and hit go. Nothing more to do.
All of the 525729 unique auto approve urls in this list have been checked with the scrapebox blog analyzer to insure that:
1) All the urls in the whole list are open and ready to be commented to.
2) There is no spam protection present on any of the urls.
3) There are no image captchas on any of the pages.
1) Whole list - 8970 unique domains - 525729 unique auto approve urls. Price 100$
2) 1st Half of the list - 4485 domains and the 271055 urls associated with those domains. Price 59$
3) 2nd half of the list - 4485 domains and the 253613 urls associated with those domains. Price 59$
To make the 2 seperate halves I randomized the whole list, cut it in 2, then grabbed the urls associated with the domains for each half. So the 2 halves are NOT in alphabetical order, they are random to give you a variety of domains in each half.
Max amount of copies sold
20 copies of all lists combined will be sold. No more. For example if 5 of package 1, 7 of package 2 and 8 of package 3 sell this list is gone forever.
What you get:
A single rar file that contains 1 text file with the domain names, and 1 text file with the urls for the package you purchased.
If you want to receive special discounts and be the first to know when my future lists are released sign up for my email list by clicking here.
If you purchased my previous list please contact me I will send you a special 15% discount coupon, I'll do my best to contact you first though.
Review copies already given out. Expect reviews arriving shortly.
A few reviews from my last auto approve list thread:
8970 unique domains
525729 unique auto approve urls
This fresh list of auto approve blogs is 100% unique from my previous list, there won't be even a 1 domain overlap between the 2 lists.
Most of the urls are wordpress, there are some movable type too though.
This list works in scrapebox and xrumer, or any other software that can post to wordpress/movable type.
It couldn't be easier to use, just load it as you would normally load any blog list and hit go. Nothing more to do.
All of the 525729 unique auto approve urls in this list have been checked with the scrapebox blog analyzer to insure that:
1) All the urls in the whole list are open and ready to be commented to.
2) There is no spam protection present on any of the urls.
3) There are no image captchas on any of the pages.
1) Whole list - 8970 unique domains - 525729 unique auto approve urls. Price 100$
2) 1st Half of the list - 4485 domains and the 271055 urls associated with those domains. Price 59$
3) 2nd half of the list - 4485 domains and the 253613 urls associated with those domains. Price 59$
To make the 2 seperate halves I randomized the whole list, cut it in 2, then grabbed the urls associated with the domains for each half. So the 2 halves are NOT in alphabetical order, they are random to give you a variety of domains in each half.
Max amount of copies sold
20 copies of all lists combined will be sold. No more. For example if 5 of package 1, 7 of package 2 and 8 of package 3 sell this list is gone forever.
What you get:
A single rar file that contains 1 text file with the domain names, and 1 text file with the urls for the package you purchased.
If you want to receive special discounts and be the first to know when my future lists are released sign up for my email list by clicking here.
If you purchased my previous list please contact me I will send you a special 15% discount coupon, I'll do my best to contact you first though.
Review copies already given out. Expect reviews arriving shortly.
A few reviews from my last auto approve list thread:
Here's my review:
Great list. He delivers what he sells. Nice guy too. Waiting for more stuff from him in the future LOL.