My SEO trip to heaven or HELL


Certified Hard Worker
Dec 2, 2009

This will be my journal for my first SEO site and IM keeping it most for personal reasons but will of course be hoping to have followers that have experience in the field that can chime in whit advice.

Background on me: I know how to get shit done and become good in life in different areas there is a few things that I have done that made me good at other things. Bite size chunks of knowledge then apply, maybe fail look at what happened and do it a different way. If you keep doing this with consistency so will you become better (if you’re not a complete idiot), that’s just the laws of nature.

I have tried few different things when it comes to making money online and the more grey/black hat it easy the more of hustle it is as well. I have been around the other forums as well and feel way more comfortable here as it seems the English is the spoken language here. The users here comes off with a lot off congruence in making money .That makes me want to come here and build my first solid business in white hat SEO.

My knowledge is limited but I have 1 hour of reading in my daily routine right know so it will come and grow with me along as the site grows. I will do everything manually until I learn the process completely and can pay somebody and direct them to do it if I feel like it.

I will probably keep everything open for display not completely sure yet, nut pretty sure that I will.

I have chosen to build a mini-site and instead optimizing to a niche so will I optimize the keyword for a product. I know I know if the product goes then my work is wasted, but its way easier to rank for Toyota corolla then cars.
I email some of my reps and asked what offer where doing well and did my keyword research for them and ended up for one of them.


The Number of searches are the exact matches

I have not made a full action plan yet since I don’t know all tricks off the trade but I will start off with social bookmarking tomorrow. I will be hosting a simple wp blog and keep a steady stream of articles flowing. I think that I will outsource this quite fast since its one off the few things that I hate to do.


  1. What’s the better options here SEO wise or ???
  2. What kind of stoploss should I set when i enter this challenge?
  3. In terms of healthy goal setting what kind of structure should I set, in terms of visitors and ctr and ultimately conversions (I know this is a bit away)

Time wise, I have a lot of time right now and I usually don’t shy on working 6-7 days in the week 10-12 if I want something. It’s time to work like an ugly stripper :bootyshake:

Motivational song

And My name is Micha and this is my story...

some boobs for the helping hands as well :)



Yes I like my chicks Asian :)

First update.

Discussed quick with two friends and ended up getting a domain with
Hosted it uploaded a blog posted and article and got it indexed and its now 5:15 am here so time go to sleep and will get more work done in a few hours.

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despite the boob fail, I wish you good luck. The single biggest factor for your success is to keep building your site and your backlinks. Every minute you spend reading here, you should spend 15 minutes working on your site.

if you seriously put in 8-10 hours a day on a handful of sites, both with content and linking, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY.

Just don't consider time spent on here as time "working". There's a lot to learn here, but it's also a time sink (says the guy with 1800 posts, I know I know :) ). Keep pluggin away and you will start seeing results.

Hit me up if you need anything
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Have a question for you. I notice that your using Market Samurai, are you using any other applications as well or are you just basically using MS exclusively to make your decisions regarding SEO?

I only ask because I've been using MS for awhile as well and wanted to figure out if anyone has any tips for going into SEO any further by using any other apps.

despite the boob fail, I wish you good luck. The single biggest factor for your success is to keep building your site and your backlinks. Every minute you spend reading here, you should spend 15 minutes working on your site.

if you seriously put in 8-10 hours a day on a handful of sites, both with content and linking, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY.

Just don't consider time spent on here as time "working". There's a lot to learn here, but it's also a time sink (says the guy with 1800 posts, I know I know :) ). Keep pluggin away and you will start seeing results.

Hit me up if you need anything

Yeah I am having a hard time finding a balance right now because their is sooo much good information on here and some really smart dudes here. I have to figure out at what point I have taken in enough info and I need to get back to work, I always feel like I'm missing something when I'm not on here though. Still getting work done though, just not as much as Pre-WF...

I'm officially addicted.
Yeah I am having a hard time finding a balance right now because their is sooo much good information on here and some really smart dudes here. I have to figure out at what point I have taken in enough info and I need to get back to work, I always feel like I'm missing something when I'm not on here though. Still getting work done though, just not as much as Pre-WF...

I'm officially addicted.

Look up the pomodoro technique and visit here during your 5 minute breaks. another good idea is to print out good old threads and read them away from the computer.
Have a question for you. I notice that your using Market Samurai, are you using any other applications as well or are you just basically using MS exclusively to make your decisions regarding SEO?

I only ask because I've been using MS for awhile as well and wanted to figure out if anyone has any tips for going into SEO any further by using any other apps.


if you really want to figure this stuff out, you need to start collecting and analyzing the raw data, looking at the actual backlinsk of your competitors, studying your competitors sites and content, etc. Tools like Market Samurai can separate you from the data and will make you make decisions on things you don't really understand because you've never directly worked with the data before.
despite the boob fail, I wish you good luck. The single biggest factor for your success is to keep building your site and your backlinks. Every minute you spend reading here, you should spend 15 minutes working on your site.

if you seriously put in 8-10 hours a day on a handful of sites, both with content and linking, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY.

Just don't consider time spent on here as time "working". There's a lot to learn here, but it's also a time sink (says the guy with 1800 posts, I know I know :) ). Keep pluggin away and you will start seeing results.

Hit me up if you need anything

Yeah no forums is usually just procrastination even though there is a lot off info here, it usually all over the place.

Yeah what do you consider to be good stop loss on a site, how much effort and time you put into a project before you abandon ship(if it not going according to plan).

Have a question for you. I notice that your using Market Samurai, are you using any other applications as well or are you just basically using MS exclusively to make your decisions regarding SEO?

I only ask because I've been using MS for awhile as well and wanted to figure out if anyone has any tips for going into SEO any further by using any other apps.


Hmm I looked at Google keyword too to star with then MS the I tried Micro Niche Finder and they all give back slightly different data. So I just ended up going for MS.

I based my decision after talk with some friends that are running some sites. This thread is called to heaven or hell, just because o the fact that I'm not sure if what I'm doing is wrong and it might go to Hell :) But I wont fin out and I wont learn If dond do it.

Look up the pomodoro technique and visit here during your 5 minute breaks. another good idea is to print out good old threads and read them away from the computer.

I second to that, my daily routine's are all divided up in pomodoro's and its the way to get shit done, the link is to a place where you can download your pomodoro timer.

Cya tonight.
Time to get cranking :)

Yeah first day in, a bit off slow start was did two hours of work to my other job in the morning.

Has plotted out almost a strategy and attack plan to build this site almost done with my mind-map that i have on my link building will diplay when I'm done

What have I actually gotten done today.

  1. Installed a few plugins to the blog
  2. Sitemap and analytics from Google
  3. Also got re-directify in there on a old habit.
  4. KB robots.txt
  5. SEO friendly images
  6. Registered accounts all over the interwebs in socialbookmarking sites, article directories, and Rss feeds. Made a nice spreadsheet to keep the info with hyperlinks to each site will leave a link to anybody that wants to use it.
I have the writing thing down, usually uses 1-2 pomodoro's to get that shit done (seriously I f you don't know what the The Pomodoro Technique is check it out it will help tighten up your shit and become way more efficient).

I have just slapped a basic skin up on the blog and wont really bother with it until I start to generate some traffic there.

I decided that I will let people know what URL I have registered and maybe the keywords i have been shooting for, I will do it in time when i have got the wheels in motion and there is traffic to the site.

Will start building links tomorrow and go for quality rather then quantity now in the beginning.

Today's question. What is the smoothest way to actually see where my opponents have there back links coming from is there a tool or something?

And to rectify to horrible mistake with hot linking from the porn site so have I taken care ff the boobs today instead

Also look for the attached file if you want an ok organization off your important accounts...



I don't know how I feel about this

Sit back, have a coke, I got this one for you.

Micha, 1st, you come from Sverige, home of the worlds most gorgeous women and you drop that tribute on dchuk? Come on man, this is WF, we have standards. I know the average woman you see supersizing your combo meal is hotter than 99.9% of american women. Where's the national pride? Btw, jag pratar bara lita svenska. Hur mor du? Var du kommer from? Viva la Sverige!!!

2nd, congrats on taking action. Now keep it up. Leechblock shooting the shit, all the good info here is not in that forum, just a bunch of wallflowers wasting time they could be using for making money (ok, ok, there's some straight up gangsta money making balla's hang out in there too, but you know what, they've earned that right to fuck off by working hard, not by being a fracking wannabe from the get go) hang out in there. Don't spend too much time in the other forums either. 2 hours a day reading WF will get you smarter, 2 hours a day building content and links will get you money.

Just do it.

Also, 595 exact match searches is not many, that offer better pay off like a motherfucker.
Sit back, have a coke, I got this one for you.

Micha, 1st, you come from Sverige, home of the worlds most gorgeous women and you drop that tribute on dchuk? Come on man, this is WF, we have standards. I know the average woman you see supersizing your combo meal is hotter than 99.9% of american women. Where's the national pride? Btw, jag pratar bara lita svenska. Hur mor du? Var du kommer from? Viva la Sverige!!!

2nd, congrats on taking action. Now keep it up. Leechblock shooting the shit, all the good info here is not in that forum, just a bunch of wallflowers wasting time they could be using for making money (ok, ok, there's some straight up gangsta money making balla's hang out in there too, but you know what, they've earned that right to fuck off by working hard, not by being a fracking wannabe from the get go) hang out in there. Don't spend too much time in the other forums either. 2 hours a day reading WF will get you smarter, 2 hours a day building content and links will get you money.

Just do it.

Also, 595 exact match searches is not many, that offer better pay off like a motherfucker.

Listen to this man, he's pushing the boundaries of what is being done with SEO and a lot of other related subjects right now. He'll slap you if you fuck around too much too.
Sit back, have a coke, I got this one for you.

Micha, 1st, you come from Sverige, home of the worlds most gorgeous women and you drop that tribute on dchuk? Come on man, this is WF, we have standards. I know the average woman you see supersizing your combo meal is hotter than 99.9% of american women. Where's the national pride? Btw, jag pratar bara lita svenska. Hur mor du? Var du kommer from? Viva la Sverige!!!

2nd, congrats on taking action. Now keep it up. Leechblock shooting the shit, all the good info here is not in that forum, just a bunch of wallflowers wasting time they could be using for making money (ok, ok, there's some straight up gangsta money making balla's hang out in there too, but you know what, they've earned that right to fuck off by working hard, not by being a fracking wannabe from the get go) hang out in there. Don't spend too much time in the other forums either. 2 hours a day reading WF will get you smarter, 2 hours a day building content and links will get you money.

Just do it.

Also, 595 exact match searches is not many, that offer better pay off like a motherfucker.


Well choose something smaller cause i rather walk up a hill then a mountain the first time, after I get the wheels rolling on this one so will I get a bigger challenge.

Well about the chicks, I can promise you that there is at least one dude that is tired of pitting his thing inside of Megan Fox. I'm done with Swedish blondes now.

and to Dchuk

Time to get to work.
Well about the chicks, I can promise you that there is at least one dude that is tired of pitting his thing inside of Megan Fox.


I'm done with Swedish blondes now.

Right, cuz those dark haired blue eyed goddesses are so ugly too. :)

Keep kicking ass man, will watch this thread.
Link Building

Yeah so off we go...

had really good workday today up early hrm hrm at noon ;)

Got article writing down with the morning coffee and loaded that sucker in the spinner and got it looking really good,planted three links in every one.

Got a bit longer down the road with listening to blueprint backlink and doing my notes on that at the same time. If you haven't been using a mind mapping software to take notes try it out MindManager 8 for Windows ? Mind Mapping by Mindjet Im getting all my thoughts so organized thanks to that software. will share my notes when I'm done with the course if anybody is interested.

Okey to the meat and and bone today what links and how much??

Well these are the stats all is done manually so not too much actually

  • Edu & Gov * 4
  • Web 2.0 * 15
  • social bookmarking * 20
I found some auto accepting forums and blogs that wasnt moderated and both blatenly placed my link in afew off them had to sneak it in two off them I placed the link in - sign. I made sure to throw 2 off the links up on so it would be indexed and I choose two with the highest PR.

Web 2.0 used my spinner and got nice content up there with some nice pictures and made it look legit. Ran links to the main page and two other pages> Also took care off the bookmarking.

Strategy today was to try to achieve some quality links and I think I did, did the web 2.0 with the highest PR. I targeted only the main keyword today as well.

I have decided to keep a tally here on how many links that I have totaled so here we go.

I also decided to give away some boobs every day rapport to get you fuckers to read my shit, I assume that the Boobs icon has the highest ctr.


  • Edu & Gov * 4
  • Web 2.0 * 15
  • social bookmarking * 20
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