Creative variation for long term campaigns


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Say you find a profitable campaign...what's the best way to avoid ad fatigue?

Basically, I'm wondering how long image fatigue applies to old images. i.e. is it fine to bring an image back after a week...two weeks...a month? Also, is it a conscious or unconscious effort.

By which I mean, conscious: they already saw that ad, so they don't feel like reading it again(which means it needs to retire) vs unconscious: they already something like that, so their brain doesn't bring attention to it(but changing the background to a different color would change things, and they'd notice the ad again).

Also is ad fatigue applied mostly to the ad image...or the text too? Are the people not clicking because they already read the ad...or because the image isn't catching their attention any more?
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Fatigue as you put it probably isn't really your issue unless it's ad fatigue generally.

You can't make sweeping generalisation about ad copy either, there are too many variables.

If a person didn't click the ad the first time, ignoring it the 50th time is probably not because of fatigue.

Your ads should always be on a rolling test comparing CTR and conversion. The variation may be as subtle as a different background colour or a completly new creative.

Two creatives are fine, run them both equally for a day / week / month - however long it takes for you to collect enough data. Junk the poorer performing ad and refine the other.

Rinse and repeat.
I could give you an answer on what I might think is right, but bottom line is, test test test! Every niche & circumstance is different. If you learn how to accurately analyze your data, you'll know all the answers.