Are you struggling?

Both need to combat. Its not so easy to make a monthly income in this competitive market, even if you know how to make money.

The only secret is hardworking.
yes i am.
but i know the hardwork is only the key...

god help the one who have faith on himself..
Hi Carlos, I understand how to make income from the interwebs, yet I struggles to make lots of monies online.. Can you HELP me ???
The only struggle I'm having right now is to stop reading and to start doing.

I know what you mean, i am was the same actually not quite long ago......but it is not so bad until certain point. i was just only reading and reading and no action, but i was learning a lot and i still am. but there's a moment when you have to start doing something otherwise you will never know how good you are or what do you need to improve.
Hi Carlos, I understand how to make income from the interwebs, yet I struggles to make lots of monies online.. Can you HELP me ???

of course i can. I am here to help anyone who needs to understand how this business works and also to give my knowledge as much as i can. Just let me know what do you need to know and if i know it i would be more than glad to assist you. CHEERS!!!
I think both. And I think alot of people want stuff handed to them on a silver platter and are too lazy to get online and google or youtube stuff to learn the techniques for themselves. The internet is a freakin goldmine if people just learn to use it to their advantage!
why people keep thinking blueprints are sure way to finally start making money online? a blueprint is just a step by step process and that's it. If you really want to make money you need to learn and understand how this business works.

You have to start thinking why you want to make money online in first place? is it because you just want an extra income or because you are already tired of your daily job?
You can read a lot about making money but actually doing what is required to make money online is another issue, some people get bored or can't be arsed to actually put in what is required and just get lazy before they've even began.
Hello - I think your question is a good one - UNDERSTANDING, which you mention in your initial post, is very important - you do need to learn some skills and make sure you actually understand what you're doing. A point made on a course I attended recently was 'don't play games you don't understand'! I think the challenge for newcomers is knowing how to find the balance between learning and 'doing' - you've got to start taking action at some point, and you've got to have a strategy, a plan of some sort - because there are all sorts of ways to make money online, but you've got to find what's right for you - and you can't do it all at once! You've also got to be patient and not expect to earn a fortune with a few clicks of the mouse - no matter what the scammers tell you, it takes time and effort!
Strugle is depend on time and prioritization. It is the game of the life which way live or not.U always want to how to make the money more?If you really want to make money you need to learn and understand how this business works.
i don't understand. isn't both the same thing? By making money online, you understand it. By understanding it, you can make money online...
The problem with a lot of new people who wants to make money online seem to keep thinking that money is just going to drop from the sky.

They often do not want to realize that in order to make money online, a transfer of wealth or money must be involved, i.e. there is always someone else at the other end who is going to hand you that money you want. Once you come to accept this fact that you have to sell something in order for that person to feel that you deserve his money, then everything will slowly start to fall into place and make sense to you.